Photo-A-Day #2215
I started my new job last night. I’m answering customer service calls from 7pm to 7am Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights. My new group eased me into the night. I was even allowed to work from home from 4am on. Basically because I hadn’t had a full week off like the rest of the team. We are a small group, about 11 people but it is tight knit and everyone is helpful. We field calls from all sorts of support areas across every aspect of our software. There really isn’t any time to be bored and I like that. I think that for the past couple of years I’ve let boredom overtake me and make me slow and stupid. I like the pace of this job and it is still relaxed as well. We never see customers so I don’t have to bother with the business casual dress anymore. I can dress nicely but with jeans, oh so much more comfortable.
So, I drove home at 4am. There is no one on the road at that time and I wasn’t doing to bad with being tired. I was debating whether or not to sneak into the bedroom and grab my book or iPad or something and just sack out on the couch till Allison and Eva woke up. In the end I crawled into bed and slept till Eva shot out of her bed at 6am. Eva does not ease into the day, she is like me, she sits bolt upright and shouts her welcome to the day. It is very cute and I love her energy. I just wasn’t energized to get out of bed yet. Allison got up with her and let me sleep a bit. I slept till 9am and then started taking care of things around here.
It might be the newness of the job but I was motivated to get some projects done. I started off with shredding a bunch of old documents. I have a small shredded and a small basket so I am slowly shredding a bunch of stuff using this method. I shred till the thing overheats and shuts off then I empty the basket and wait a while and shred some more later. I have a laundry basket of old documents that need to meet the shredder and will do a little at a time to get that pile completely shredded.
I went to get something in the kitchen and my multi-tasking/ Twitter/Facebook induced ADD kicked in and I started cleaning out the freezer. Then I cleaned behind the sink. I started a bit on the fridge but will save that for tomorrow.
I asked Allison to leave me the shopping list because I enjoy doing the food shopping. I picked up all the coupons and went through them. It has been a while since I’ve gone and done a solo shop with a bunch of coupons. I love doing it but we’ve gotten so rushed in the past months that we often forget them and forget to use them. I made sure to get them all ready to be used. I ended up spending about an hour in the store. 2pm on a Monday morning is great, it is empty and I can really take my time. I also saved about $60 off the bill so I was very happy to see that.
I came home and reorganized the shelves in the kitchen and one set of cabinets. I tossed a bunch of out of date stuff and I made room for the new purchases. That and some laundry and I was pretty darn productive today.
Of course this was without Eva or Allison home so I could really concentrate without a bunch of questions so the true test will be tomorrow when Allison is at work and I’ve got Eva for a few hours. I think We’ll do a craft.
We finished up the day with me doing my blog post early, having dinner and taking a family walk. Early to bed tonight.
Haha,very nice article,you echoed my thoughts. I just resigned from my corporate job and started my own consulting and support business. Changing one’s pattern can bring about new ideas and inspiration.
Congratulations on your new work!
Glad the new job seems to be working out well for you.
Seems to be so far so good. But I have only worked for one day.
Will miss our lunchtime talks though.
Good luck making the adjustment. Sounds like and I’m sure you have it under control.
It will be an adjustment and I’m sure it will take a few months to really get used to it. Sunday wasn’t a true test, next week will be.
A great first day I’d say!