On Day two of the conference we were treated to a tasty breakfast from Sesame Street. We also got to see clips from the upcoming 44th season. There are some many fun things happening this season including a series of parody clips featuring Cookie Monster trying to control his impulses. We also were introduced to the newest character, Armando. He shared the stage with Rosita and they sang a song and talked about writing their own story. It was a great breakfast with lots of fun information on Sesame Street’s 44th year.

Sunrise from my Hotel Room
After our breakfast there was the general session where we heard a great keynote by Paula Kerger the President and CEO of PBS. She had some amazing information on PBS and so much of it was what I never really knew about PBS. I’m so glad that I attended the full conference this year and saw so many great sessions and learned a ton about the shows that are on PBS for adults. I had been focusing so much on the kids programs that I never gave much consideration to the prime time stuff. I certainly will be exploring many more of their programs.

Me with Mando and Rosita
We then had a couple of breakout sessions as the PBS Kids VIPS. We were joined by Paula Kerger and she spoke more to us. She was fascinating. Then we were joined by Sesame Street’s newest character. Mando as well as the monster Rosita. A bunch of us got to interview Rosita and Mando including me. It was a thrill and I have it on video too. I can’t wait for the kids to see it.

Me at Downton Abbey
Lunch was hosted by Frontline and I had never given much thought to the program but learning about the different topics that have been covered by Frontline it is something that I should begin watching. When Frontline did a program After Newtown it was so well received that the FBI requested copies for training purposes. I now want to watch these programs. Our guests from Frontline included people from the NFL and ESPN because of an upcoming Frontline about the concussion crisis for NFL football players.

Our Lunch Desserts
After lunch we got a preview of more prime time shows. There were even more cool things to watch. I attempted to stick around for the Ken Burns Keynote but I was starting to fade so I made my way back to my room because we had a long break and I got a chance to check out the beach.
The beach was great. It was wavy and a bit windy but very comfortable. The water was perfect temperature and I got a chance to lay out a bit and read a book. It was nice and relaxing.

The Beautiful Beach
Dinner that night was at a place called Prime 112. Dinner was amazing once again. We had individual entrees and appetizers but shared the desserts family style. At Prime 112 they have fresh baked chocolate chip cookies with a couple different kinds of chocolate. Everything was delicious.

What I’m taking home from the PBS Annual Meeting