Photo-A-Day #4208
On our third and final day of the #DoctorStrangeEvent the 25 bloggers got to interview six people involved in the movie, Doctor Strange. We interviewed Benedict Cumberbatch (“Dr. Stephen Strange”), Benedict Wong (“Wong”), Tilda Swinton (“The Ancient One”), Mads Mikkelsen (“Kaecilius”), Rachel McAdams (“Christine Palmer”) and Director Scott Derrickson. I will be posting full our blog posts about every one of these interviews through the course of the next three weeks. This was a fun set of interviews and it reminded me of the ones that I did a few years ago for The Guardians of the Galaxy. Each person that we interviewed was really enthused to talk with us. While I can’t say anything more about the day I will not leave you with nothing.
I’ve added the latest vlog from that day on 10/22/15.
In fact, today some great stuff for Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 was released. A One-Sheet poster that looks like a rock band poster and also a teaser trailer that is really funny. You can see both of those after the jump and in the time being until you ready my Doctor Strange interview posts and other posts you can check out my past Marvel movie posts from Guardians of the Galaxy

He’s From a Planet of Outlaws – Chris Pratt Interview – #GuardiansOfTheGalaxyEvent
He is Groot – Vin Diesel Interview from the #GuardiansOfTheGalaxyEvent
Interview with Dave Bautista at the #GuardiansOfTheGalaxyEvent
From Raccoons to Kevin Bacon – An Interview with James Gunn at the #GuardiansOfTheGalaxyEvent
Interview with Zoe Saldana – #GuardiansOfTheGalaxyEvent
Review of Guardians of the Galaxy from the #GuardiansOfTheGalaxyEvent
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GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY VOL. 2 is in theaters May 5, 2017!