Since becoming a father I’ve had to find a balance between my blogging time, my work time and my time with my family. Did you notice the order? That is pretty screwed up. I should be focused on my family time, my work time and my blogging time. Family is very important to me and I have to work each day but I also run 4 blogs and so I need to have time to do that as well. I’m a fast typist but being fast and being accurate are two different things. Many of my posts could be much more accurate if I was able to concentrate on what I wanted to say rather than how quickly I needed to type it up to say it.
I’ve been testing out the application Dragon Naturally Speaking 10 Preferred and I wish I had been using it this whole past year. For the sheer simple fact that I can continue to work on my posts while having my hands occupied with holding my daughter. And at this stage of the game I can talk right to her and have it still be a post because she just likes the sound of my voice rather than the content of the words.
I have 4 blogs and this blog is the one that gets the most love and attention because it is most important that there be daily content on this blog. But what about the other blogs? I sometimes let those blogs lapse for a few days until I have a spare few minutes to type up a decent posts. With Dragon I don’t have to wait for a few spare minutes. I could spend that usual hour of typing out one post for one blog and complete 4 posts for 4 blogs. With that being the case I now would have fourblogs updated with great content daily. I tried to compete against the speed of Dragon NaturallySpeaking but was blown out of the water. Try that test for yourself. Take the Dragon NaturallySpeaking typing test! It was both humbling and eye opening. Here is a video with more on how Dragon could help you as a blogger.
This software has been reviewed in many places but I think you would really like the New York Times Review.
One last thing I wanted to say about using Dragon and Blogging. I am overweight and have looked at the possibility of blogging and exercising. I think that using Dragon and standing up and walking around or using Dragon and riding a stationary bike would be a great way to lose some weight and get some work done. I haven’t tried it yet but I have a plan and will update you when I have more to say about that plan.
This was a sponsored post, I was compensated but the opinions are 100% mine.
Hey Drew! Excellent video! In fact, you’re now appearing on my blog!
Lynnes last blog post..Wordless Wednesday – Breast Cancer Awareness
It is very funny because this morning I noticed that there were a bunch of blogs with posts by Brett and I know Brett, at first I thought something fishy was going on but then realized that it was an Opp. Did you know that not everyone put in the link to my blog, I know it was optional but come on. I am very appreciative that you linked to me. This is a strange new development to this whole set of opps.
Very cool!
I am looking forward to getting this software!
I am a blogger as well!
I think this software can really help you write faster. I like your blog and your use of video. I’ll be following you on twitter soon.
I have been dabbbling in internet marketing since 2002. I just hate to type though so I am really excited to hear that this is working well for you. Im going to get a copy this afternoon, but wanted some real life reviews first.