Photo-A-Day #2861
I was in Target today and while walking through the Valentine’s Day section I got the idea to make some special brownies for the family. I picked up a new pan that has 12 squares in it and they are for making square mini cakes or extra big brownies with all four sides like the corner pieces of regular brownies. I figured that I’d make brownies with mini candy bars and a few other extras.

While Allison and Eva worked on Eva’s homework I made the brownies. I mixed up all the brownie mix and poured a little bit into each of the bays. Then I placed a mini candy bar in each one. I made three of each: Snickers, Twix, Milky Way and Three Musketeers.

Once I placed the candy bars in the batter I poured more batter on top of the bars to cover them. Then I put some M&Ms on each of the brownies. On the Snickers I put red, on the Twix I put White, the Milky Way got light pink and the Three Musketeers got dark pink. I also put a Hershey’s chocolate heart on top of each of the brownies.

The pan was great. Only one of the brownies got stuck in it. The rest of the brownies popped right out.
And they were DELICIOUS!!!