Since it is school vacation week and we didn’t end up going anywhere we decided to do some fun little day trips. Today we went a couple of town over to Easton to the Children’s Museum in Easton. The museum is located in a old firehouse, has three floors full of fun hands on exhibits and more. We got there nice and early so it wasn’t too crazy when we arrived. The kids headed straight to the ship to play. They were having a great time on it too. All the parts of the ship were labeled and there was even a bucket that they could fill with lobsters and crabs and raise and lower on and off the ship.
The museum was also doing an activity where kids had to go from floor to floor to search for clues to a mystery. It was the case of the pilfered pantry. Kids did activities that used their five senses to gather clues to the identity of the person who took all the junk food out of the pantry and replaced it with healthy snacks. I liked how it was organized and the people who helped the kids with their activity were very nice.

The museum has three floors and on the bottom floor there are a bunch of mazes on the walls that kids can use to send golf balls rocketing along. Some tracks are fixed but other you can use to build your own tracks and enjoy experimenting. Andrew and I spent a lot of time playing with these mazes, or rather I spent a lot of time chasing Andrew as he tried to carry more than four golf balls at once. Eva’s favorite room was the doctors office room. She kept playing as both the patient and the doctor and had so much fun in this room.
Both kids liked the kids kitchen room that also had a fire truck in it. There were great costumes for the kids and while Andrew looked adorable in the fireman’s costume but he kept knocking the hat off and moving too quickly for the photos. So, I got many adorable blurry shots of him. I did get this good one of him not in the costume but using this hose.

It was a great place to visit. Eva told us that it was the best day ever and I am glad that we went. It may have gotten crazy with all the kids there but our kids were wonderful and had an amazing time. Can’t wait to head back with them.