Today was Farm Day at Eva’s school. This is a very fun event that they do every year for the kids. There was a petting zoo with baby goats, pigs, bunnies, kittens, chicks and ducklings. Eva was really good, she knelt down calmly and let the animals come over to her. Then she promptly pulled her hands away when they wanted to get too close.

There were many activities for the kids too. Unfortunately it was raining so it was all inside but the school made do with it and we all still had fun. The kids loved it. They were running all over the place for wagon rides, face painting, pumpkin painting and milking cows. Eva’s favorite activity was milking cows. She kept going back over to do it again and again. It was cute, they had wooden stand up cows with rubber gloves attached as udders. Then they were filled with water.

There was also a stand up barn that kids could go into and out of. There was also a stack up of bales of hay with a saddle on it. Eva got up and did her best Jessie impression.

The pumpkin decorating was cute and mess free. There were stickers of faces that the kids could place on their pumpkins. The kids could use markers to draw on hair and other decorations.

They also had a pony there for pony rides. The pony was outside and the kids got a little ride around the small parking lot. Eva was the lucky kid who got the pony when it made a pit stop. The girl handling the pony softly quipped, “Everybody poops”. I don’t think Eva noticed though. If she knew she certainly would have said something. She would have had to, she’s four and has no inner monologue. But she had a great time and so did we.

Tonight we finally got around to carving those pumpkins that I scooped out yesterday. We were able to do three of them. Allison did a large spooky face and an owl in a tree. I did a monster. They came out pretty decent if I do say so myself. I’ll have actual photos another night.

Looks like you had a blast! I took my 2 year old to a pumpkin patch last Saturday and they had a petting zoo and barn. We have yet to carve our pumpkins though. Cute Pictures!!
Thank you Tanya, We finally carved our pumpkins but have one left to go. Looking forward to lighting them.