Photo-A-Day #4728
Tonight Eva and I went to our fifth Father/Daughter Dance. It is an event that the two of us look forward to every year. I honestly have a lot of fun watching Eva having fun with her friends. I also like dancing with her to the slow songs and I even bust out some moves for certain fast songs. The thing that I have the most trouble with is talking with the other dads. I never feel comfortable and I am terrible at small talk. It has gotten better over the years in that I have a few guys that I see and chat with. I’m lucky that Eva’s good friend’s dad is fun to talk with.
Each year Eva hides her dress from me. She wants everything to be a big surprise for me. Of course I then need to match her dress color with my tie and with her wristlet. But, somehow I am able to at least get the color. This year we even remembered to bring the wristlet with us. I was so focused on remembering the wristlet that I forgot our photo paperwork and check. So glad I remembered some cash. Maybe by her 8th grade Father Daughter Dance I’ll remember everything. What I did not forget was to take the double dessert selfie! Something we always try and do each dance.