BenSpark – Today was a rough day and tomorrow will most likely be even rougher. We are so lucky to be surrounded by friends and family. One such friend is one of my newest friends Buck “Daddy” Rogers. Buck won a runner up prize in my Ultimate IZEAFest Prize Pack and we hung out at IZEAFest and SeaWorld together last week. We’re even going to share a room at Blog World Expo. Buck noticed that I was slipping on one of my posts an not linking up people in that post so he offered to help me out with a guest post. So this one is Buck’s first Guest Post. Take it Away Buck.
Buck Daddy – A couple months ago my wife and I went to go see “Wicked.” For those who don’t know, “Wicked” is a Broadway musical based on the book on the same name. The whole premise is that it is the Wizard of Oz told from a different perspective. It would be like watching the Wizard of Oz and the camera started following the Wicked Witch.
In “Wicked” there is a song called “For Good.” (For Good). I hate when some blogs lyrics to songs but this one spoke to me.
Changed for the better?
I do believe I have been
Changed for the better
And because I knew you…
Because I knew you…
Because I knew you…
I have been changed for good…
You might be asking what the heck that song has to do with the picture above. When I saw it I instantly knew it was Rainbow Dash of My Little Pony. If you had asked me 3 plus years ago I might not have even known what a My Little Pony was. Fatherhood has changed me.
Fatherhood gave my blog a purpose. Fatherhood gave me the name of my blog, Before Fatherhood I could have seen the picture of a beer bottle and told you what it was and its alcoholic content. Before Fatherhood, I could tell you the best place to get a beer for the best price. Along with purpose, Fatherhood has saved me from myself.
Today in a conversation, I said lavender instead of purple. I recognize which My Little Pony that is in the picture. I do believe I have been changed for the better because of fatherhood but who can say. But because of fatherhood I have been changed for good.
Thanks for listening,
BenSpark – I appreciate that Buck Stepped up and wrote a great post. He had the choice between two photos and I love that be picked My Little Pony. Here is a bonus photos for everyone too.
Thanks for letting me guest post. I hope to do so more often. It was an enjoyable exercise. You shoot the photo and I have to come up with a quality post. I hope I met the challenge
.-= Look at what BuckDaddy wrote blog ..Clorox Toilet Wand Giveaway and Coupon =-.
I hadn’t realized all the comments. Since you are the author I got no notice. I really appreciate that you took the time to write the post for me. I like how we collaborated that way.
I had a blast and will gladly do it again. See you in the morning in Vegas
.-= Look at what BuckDaddy wrote blog ..Clorox Toilet Wand Giveaway and Coupon =-.
Sending you and Allison big virtual hugs. And I also knew that was Rainbow Dash, I’m pretty sure my husband would have recognized it too
.-= Look at what Elizabeth wrote blog ..Toy Story 3 Trailer! =-.
It amazes me how stuff likes that gets in my brain. I mean I know who Fancy Nancy is and can recognize her clothes anywhere. I was at SeaWorld for IzeaFest and there was a family of little girls wearing a Disney Princess dresses. I had to correct the guy (single, unmarried, no kids) about which dress was which.
.-= Look at what BuckDaddy wrote blog ..Clorox Toilet Wand Giveaway and Coupon =-.
Thank you for the virtual hugs.
Nice guest post from Buck Daddy (which I met at IZEAFest and was a super nice guy). I agree fatherhood changes you and for the better and make you a better man. It did for me. Have fun at Blog World Expo. I wanted to go, maybe next year.
You were super nice too and it is always great to meet other Dads who blog. I wish you were going to BWE too, we could have a mini Dad convention
Rob, I also agree with Buck’s post and the fact that fatherhood changes us. And I think for the better.
Great guest post from Buck Daddy! (Also, met at IZEAFest – Awesome guy!)
I know what you mean and I’m all in! I still have a semi-wet Cheerios smears on my clothes from my little 2-year-old princess eating breakfast in my lap while I’m working on a client’s campaign. Being a dad is an amazing responsibility with overwhelming rewards.
Also, a shout out to all the mom’s out there. All I can say is… wow!
Great job Buck!
…now, where did I put that baby wipe?
.-= Look at what Kevin D. Lyons wrote blog ..27 Pre-Flight Steps to Launching Email Campaigns =-.
“Being a dad is an amazing responsibility with overwhelming rewards.”
Very well put, I like that!
I have yet to get where the kid eats in my lap during work bc I work in an office. Like I said at IzeaFest I want to be where you are one day
.-= Look at what BuckDaddy wrote blog ..Clorox Toilet Wand Giveaway and Coupon =-.
Buck did a great job. I’d say that being a dad is an overwhelming responsibility with amazing rewards. LOL.
Great guest post! It’s not often that we hear from a Dad’s perspective and I enjoyed this one! Thanks.
.-= Look at what Baba wrote blog ..Welcome to FeedBurner =-.
Thanks for stopping by. Andrew is Dad too and blogs regularly from a Dad’s perspective.
.-= Look at what BuckDaddy wrote blog ..Clorox Toilet Wand Giveaway and Coupon =-.
Are you hearing a mom’s perspective when I post? LOL
My little Pony!!! How fun.. I remember playing with the ponies with their castles, stables, and home… how cute! and your nifty eye trick playing photo on top today, that is absolutely great. I love your photo a day and will be back to check out your new photos, maybe some from the my little pony era?
I don’t have any older my little ponies, Transformers were my thing as you can tell from my top photo. However my sistess may have had some. Thanks for stopping and commenting, please do come back.