My son is nearing 2 1/2 years old. He’d rather throw game pieces all over the place than play a game. Most games are not geared toward his age level but while I was at Toy Fair I learned about a game from Thinkfun called Move & Groove. I really wanted to play it with Andrew so I asked for a review copy and one was sent to me. Opinions of the game are 100% our own.
This is a simple and fun movement game that a toddler can do easily because they learn by watching you. My wiggly little boy who won’t sit still in a chair to play a game was so excited to run around and have fun playing Move & Groove.
The game consists of a plush color cube with a different color on every face of the cube, so six categories. Players toss the cube and then pick one of the cards that corresponds to that color. This helps kids recognize their colors.
Once a card is selected there is a picture and some directions on it like Disco Dance or Dance the Hula. there are other cards like walk like a duck, step sideways across the room, and Andrew’s favorite was Pretend to Play the Trumpet. He kept picking that card over and over.
I like everything about this game. It is simple, we didn’t have to do through lengthy rules and setup. We simple put the cards into six piles and started throwing the cube around the room. When a card was picked we all did the movement and this really engaged Andrew. He loved seeing Mommy and Daddy being silly.
Check out my review of this Move and Grove Game on Amazon.com.