I participated in an Influencer Activation on behalf of Influence Central for MyLocker. I received product samples to facilitate my review as well as a promotional item to thank me for my participation.

I’ve had a black hoodie for many years and I wear it from the first moments of a chill in the air until the first signs of Spring. It has seen better days. I love wearing it, it zips up the front and is just warm enough for a guy who doesn’t quite get that cold. There was one Winter where I only wore my Winter coat twice and the black hoodie the rest of the time. Sadly my favorite black hoodie has seen better days and it is about time to transition it to something I wear while doing yard work. So, it was time for me to get a new one. As luck would have it I was selected for this influencer program for MyLocker.net (http://www.mylocker.net). I was provided with enough credit to get a brand new black hoodie with my custom touches.
I’ve been running this blog for over ten years now and while I was thinking of what kind of custom apparel to make I thought of this blog. I wanted something that I could wear that would promote the blog and also show how long I’d been blogging. When I went to the MyLocker.net site I easily found the product that I wanted, a zip up hoodie in the sweatshirt category. There are a lot of different types and styles of sweatshirts to choose from, more than I would have expected. I found the zip up hoodies and selected my color.

When you are creating your custom clothing you see the product and then as you click on different design choices the image changes instantly so that you can see how your design is going to look on the final product. I tried all different designs and wording until I hit upon the simple two lines of text with a grey line separating them. What I didn’t realize, and was pleasantly surprised by when the products I ordered arrived, was that I choose to have my design embroidered onto my new Black Hoodie. That is way nicer than simply having a silk screen on the hoodie and embroidery looks great.
I wanted to get the most from my credit so I worked on a second item. I kicked in some additional money of my own to get both products but it was worth it. I looked at the Custom T-Shirts and instead of another T-Shirt for the blog, I picked something that I wanted to wear for my Skylanders videos. Every time I get a Skylanders shirt at an event it is too small. I talked to my PR rep about it and she suggested that I make my own T-Shirt. So I created my own T-Shirt that says Portal Master – Skylanders . It has a classic old school look about it and is a Sport T-Shirt. I am happy with it and it was easy to make your own t-shirt like it was to make the hoodie.
I completed everything in about 20 minutes, it took that long because I didn’t have a clear plan in mind and tried many things till I hit upon what I really wanted. If I had gone in with a plan it would have been so much quicker. The site is really fast and if you know what you want you can create a product in as little as 30 seconds. If you want your creation quickly you can get it in as little as two days. I can see myself using the site again especially if I wanted a custom t-shirt for a last minute event and since there is no minimum to order I can make my one of a kind item of clothing just for me.
Who knows, maybe next time I make myself some workout shorts that say 100 Perfect Workouts that I can wear to Koko Fit Club. I should have though of that sooner so I could have worn them when I hit my 100th perfect workout.
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