When I went to Toy Fair in February I wanted to make sure that I found the Wild Kratts toys. Wild Kratts is a show on PBS that I enjoy watching with the kids. Through the show the kids learn some fascinating information about animals from brothers Chris and Martin Kratt. I had the good fortune of interviewing Chris Kratt at the booth during the show and it was so nice to meet him. I couldn’t wait for the toys to come out. Here is that video interview.
I received a large box of Wild Kratts toys and wanted to share our experience with them. Our opinions are 100% our own. We received: A Creature Power 4 Pack – Runners Set, A Createrra Set With Martin Figure, A Plush Talking Martin, A Creature Power 2 Pack – Lion Powers Set and two of Martin’s Creature Power Suit (We are donating one to a local charity called Christmas is for Kids).
One of the toy sets was Martin with the Creature Rescue Vehicle the Createrra. This is a jeep with free moving wheels and doors that open and close. I like the action figure because it can stand on its own. The hands can grip the steering wheel of the Createrra, too. The Createrra is a solid vehicle. I did have a little bit of difficulty with the doors but once I flipped the vehicle over and looked at how they should work I had a better time of it. There is space for two characters and you can probably put a creature in the back.
When it came time to choose the toys that I wanted to review I stated that I like action figures so I was heavy on the figures. One set was the Wild Kratts Creature Power 4 Pack – Runners Set. this set came with Chris in a Lion Creture Power Suit, a Zebra, a Cheetah and a Road Runner. It also came with four creature power discs (Lion, Cheetah, Zebra and Road Runner). For the most part I like this set. The Chris figure is a bit top heavy and does not stand up correctly. A stand for the figure or making the figure pose-able would have been a better choice. I’ve had to rest Chris’s left hand on different creatures to keep him standing. All the creatures stand on their own and look good like their counterparts in the show.
I took a few closer shots of a couple of creatures and their power discs. These power discs fit into the creature power suits.
I wasn’t going to open up the Creature Power 2 Pack – Lion Powers Set because that came with a Chris in the Lion creature power suit and a Lion creature power disc. the reason we opened it was that the kids wanted the lion that was included. So, I opened it.
We also received a Plush Martin doll that says a few phrases when you push his creature power suit. This is a sharp looking plush. The kids have been enjoying that one very much.

But the thing that the kids liked most of all was the Creature Power Suit. We got two of the Martin version and I wish we had received a Chris and a Martin version so both of the kids could play pretend as the Kratt Brothers. We’re giving the extra Creature power suit to Christmas is for Kids. I love that you can slip a creature power disc right into the front of the vest and pretend that now you have cheetah power or lion power. It is such a fun thing for the kids to do. Maybe eventually there will be masks that kids can wear to be the different animals. Might be a craft project to work on. Here is Eva showing off her Creature Power Suit and Gloves.
The nice thing about the suit is that it fits pretty much all kids. There is a velcro part at the shoulder and at the sides so you can cinch it up or let it out depending upon the size of the child. That is a nice touch because many costumes are not accommodating for differently sized kids.
There are many more Wild Kratts Toys that are being released. You can find them at http://shop.pbskids.org/wild-kratts or at a Toys R Us near you.