Photo-A-Day #4609
This morning we met up with Allison’s best friend from college and her family. We went to the Purple Rooster for breakfast. This is a great restaurant and they were able to accommodate the nine of us plus have games and things for the kids to play. They have Jenga and dominoes and so many other games. The kids had all of them out at once to play. They got a little loud but very good-natured. The kids did enjoy spending time with each other. The food was delicious, too. They have fantastic food there.
After breakfast we went across the street to The Unlikely Story. This is a local bookstore that is owned by Jeff Kinney, author of the Wimpy Kids books. This is one of the nicest stores I have been in before. Both kids had their birthday money burning holes in their pockets. Eva went looking for a book that had suggestions of things to draw. Andrew wanted a hangman game book. I guess you scratch off the letters to play the game. We steered him closer to a book about drawing. He got that and another one like Eva’s but for younger kids. We spent some time also looking for books to donate to Christmas is for Kids. Andrew helped me pick out some Pete the Cat books. It was a nice morning that we all enjoyed.