Granite State Comicon 2024 Day Two …

Dad and Daughter Getting Lemonade
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #02083

On the second day of the Granite State Comicon we hung out at our hotel for the morning because the show did not start until 10am. Luckily we stayed at a place that included breakfast so we had some stuff to enjoy before heading to the con. Today we did a coordinated cosplay. I was Peter B. Parker and Eva was a teenage Mayday Parker. She spent hours styling her wig and Allison spent hours creating her hat. I put together a costume with sweats, a pink robe, spider man shirt and two different shoes. I sort of combined the Peter Parker outfits from the two Spiderverse movies. I did run into a few other people who were wearing the same sort of things. They recognized my costume first. I actually got a few people who recognized my costume yesterday, too. One little boy even stopped us to get our photo.

The first thing we did was go to the exhibit hall and get our photos taken by Nerd Caliber again. I liked yesterday’s photos of me much better. I am not sure I liked this costume as much. It didn’t photograph as well. We got one of the two of us together that I liked.

photo by Nerd Caliber
Photo by Nerd Caliber.

I went to a session in the moving about 3D printing with some very knowledgeable guys. I learned so much about what I have been doing wrong and what I have been doing right in 3D printing and also assembling my prints. It was very informative. Eva caught up with her friends while I did this.

When we caught back up I was in the gaming lounge learning a new game that was in development. It was fun and I think it will be good once it is released. I’ll have to look into picking it up. Eva was able to find one of the game designers that she wanted to talk to all yesterday. She picke dup a single player game that they were selling.

John Rhys Davies

we then got in line to see John Rhys Davies speak. John was Gimli in the Lord of the Rings and Sallah in Indiana Jones. he was fascinating to listen to and would go off on these interesting tangents as he answered each of the moderators questions. There was no time for Audience questions, though because he chewed up the time with each response. But he, has that sort of voice that you could enjoy if he was reading the telephone book.

At this point we were getting tired and hungry so we made one last loop through the con at the hotel and then headed home with a stop at Dave’s Hot chicken on South Willow Street for lunch.