Hang In There

Photo-A-Day #1858

Ever have one of those days when you can’t really think of anything to say. Today is that day for me. When I got home I took my camera to the back yard to take some shots. I like taking photos of the dandelions because they can be great for a blurred background as well as for a sharp foreground.

The photo is not perfect, I probably should have done something about the second dandelion seed. That way it would have lent more power and focus to that single seed on the stem.

One of my favorite features of my D80 is the ability to set the focus area. I use that in pretty much every photo. I will have to try and challenge myself to not do that so much. I find that I have been overusing the Aperture mode and might slip over to some of the other modes to see what other sorts of photos I can make.

Photo Information

Date Taken: May 10, 2010
Camera: Nikon Corporation (Aff Link)
Model: NIKON D80 (My Flickr)
ISO: 800
Exposure: 1/320sec
Aperture: 6.3
Focal Length: 250mm
Flash Used: No
Mode: Aperture
Lens: Sigma 18-250mm

So, how many people downloaded Zac Johnson’s new ebook, Zac Johnson’s Six Figure Affiliate Blogging ebook. I got a copy and man it is packed with good stuff. Speaking of Zac Johnson, one of the other writers from BloggingTips.com, CT Moore asked me if I’d mention a contest for him. The contest from Top Hosting Center is giving 5 bloggers a free year of cloud hosting. You can check it out for the official rules.

7 thoughts on “Hang In There”

  1. That is a great photo Drew! So don’t knock it. To be honest I hadn’t noticed the second seed until I read about it. 🙂
    .-= Look at what Chica wrote blog ..On the Edge =-.

    1. Chica.
      You’re Back! Thanks very much for the comment. I know I shouldn’t knock the photo but I’m trying something new, I’m pointing out some mistakes so that I can determine how I can improve as a photographer. I’m want to be able to add more value for the people who are reading by suggesting some areas of improvement and using myself as the test subject.

      1. Alright, I feel ya on that. That’s a good idea. Perhaps you can have them guess what is wrong with the photo, or ask for their constructive criticisms. A photo site that I’m apart of has that option when posting your photos, and I’ve really learned a lot from them. 🙂
        .-= Look at what Chica wrote blog ..On the Edge =-.

        1. Chica,
          That sounds great to have a site that can help with constructive criticism. I probably wouldn’t keep up with it though. So tough for me to be consistent beyond my routine.

    1. Dwan,

      I can certainly understand that. I’ve said that I’d like a new camera and that is pretty much because I want more shiny bells and whistles but the camera I have is a really good one that works great for me. I just need to practice and become better.

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