We were sent a package of Color Pencils and Paper chains from eeBoo.com. Opinions are 100% our own.
The kids are just at the age where the thought of Christmas being on the way makes them very excited. This is also the first year where we are going to make a full on paper chain to count the days until it is time for Christmas. The eeBoo.com Paper Chains package is nice because it comes with 40 different designs and each chain is already cut to perfect length, has a nice design and they are cut so that you can quickly assemble a paper chain with now glue, tape or scissors needed.

I had Eva home with me this past Monday because she was sick. Despite feeling under the weather she was still in her very festive PJs. I figured that it would be the perfect day to help me with a review. So, she helped out first by separating the different designs on the flat Paper Chains

Eva was very good at making chains. It is very easy to fit the rings together. Each piece of paper has two tabs on one end and two slots on the other. When the two ends are near each other they can quickly be assembled into a link for the paper chain.

We quickly made a 38 link paper chain to mark the days until Christmas.

The chain that we made could only fit in the spot by the stairs and had to be hung up on the railing by the fist landing. This is a nice out of the way spot and it limits the temptation that the cats have of wanting to shred the eeBoo Paper Chains.

There were also some Color Pencils included in our deliver of fun stuff from eeBoo.com. The fat sized stubby little pencils are perfect for smaller hands and they also come in 12 colors with a small sharpener. Eva was excited for these and began using them. I will have to make sure that they come with us on our trip to New Hampshire where we celebrate Thanksgiving and look ahead to Christmas. They are perfectly sized for travel.