Photo-A-Day #4738
It is a rhetorical question that I ask myself almost every week. How do I keep getting behind? I get all caught up on the videos, photos and promotions that I blog about each week only to turn around and see that I still have a bunch of things that haven’t been published, written about or recorded. Of course, we just spent a weekend away and that always gets me behind on things. Then more things get delivered that I had forgotten about. I try and keep a zeroed out inbox, or at least I just keep in the emails from things that I haven’t finished yet. Everything else or replied to and archived and gone so that I can focus. The thing is, I’m finding it harder to focus. There is just so much happening that it means that some things get pushed off by a day or a week. Then I have posts that require help from the kids and we only have Wednesdays and Mondays to accomplish that. I keep working on a schedule and it keeps getting blown out of the water.
Well, I will get everything done, in time.