Today was election day. You know what that means. No more political ads cluttering the airwaves. Okay, that is a great by-product but the really good thing is that people have gone to exercise their right to vote. A new President will be elected tonight, barring any crazy snafu like past years.
My photo-a-day photo is one of many from people who are displaying their voting stickers. If you voted and have a sticker take a picture of yourself wearing it and at it to this Flickr Group.
Don’t forget to enter my Photo Frame Contest.
I saw you in the flickr pool, right on!
Julies last blog post..I Voted – See My Sticker!
I didn’t get a sticker.
I guess I should go find a virtual one to post…
Annas last blog post..Do You Send Holiday Cards?
Yep, I got my photo up there for Mr. Murphy and Co. I kept seeing everyone else all day long go vote while I was stuck at work waiting for the end of the day to come.
I think there are sites that you can go to to get a sticker. I don’t know what they are but people have been tweeting them or at least they were yesterday.