My back yard lawn is an embarrassment. I cannot keep the lawn alive and so when I was offered a Quicky I took it. Quicky is the name of a coated grass seed from Canada Green & Garden Seed Inc. Opinions are 100% my own and results certainly will vary. I started out by taking a few photographs of the back yard.

This was after I had used an iron rake to scratch up the dirt and clean up the moss that was growing all over the place. I figured that I would try the seed on one half of the backyard because I only had one bag and I have been contemplating putting down wood chips and making a play area for the kids on the other side. No sense planting seed if I’m just going to cover it up in the future.
I got a few things at Lowe’s like a hand spreader and a sprinkler for the back yard. If I was gonna get serious about fixing the lawn I had better water it.
It was time to read the directions for applying the lawn seed. I had already scratched up the yard with the iron rake, removed the moss that I had raked up and gotten the yard a little wet. I opened up the grass seed and loaded it into the hand crank spreader.
Now with my seed loaded into the spreader I turned the crank as I walked around the back yard, trying to spread everything out evenly. I should have sprung for the push version because turning the hand crank and walking wasn’t as easy as I thought it would be and I don’t think I spread it as evenly as I could. I also didn’t measure the space I think I tried for too ambitious a space for the small back that I received (3.3 lbs covers up to 1,320 sq.ft.).
With the seed all laid out it was time to give it a sufficient watering. I set my alarm for 15 minutes and turned on the sprinkler. I did remember to move the seed spreader and the empty bag before they got wet.
I did this on a Monday before we headed off for a mini vacation so we got two days of watering done. I was a bit worried that it would get dry and I would have thrown off the schedule of watering but ever since I planted the seed it has been wet and rainy in part of each day.
The sprouts have been coming up for a few days now. I took the photo this morning which was 11 days after I spread out the grass seed. I know that there were some sprouts earlier but they were so small that I didn’t take photos. I do think that I should have used more seed to cover thicker but I am hopeful that more grass grows to help my back yard look less patchy and sad.