We received a Manhattan toy kit from their brand new “imagine i CAN™” series. The kit we received to try out and review was the Imagine I Can Feel Better MD kit. This is a toy doctor’s kit with seven items for your child to play at being a pretend doctor. The set comes in a tin lunchbox that can be used for that very purpose if desired. The toys are made from a combination of wood and other natural materials like rope or cloth. There is just enough detail to spark a child’s imagination when playing with this toy.

Eva enjoys pretending to play doctor with her stuffed animals. The popularity of the TV show Doc McStuffins has a huge influence on her play in this way. When she began watching this show she wanted a doctor’s kit so that she could diagnose and treat her toys. When I gave her this set she was delighted to have a stethoscope to use to check the heartbeats of her toys and those of her mother, brother and me. She gave each of us random checkups with the kit complete with reflex tests and shots.
I like that this set comes with pieces that are simple. The stethoscope certainly leaves it open for a child to pretend. The sling and the face mask are not found in many doctor’s sets so they are a nice addition to the items that she can use to play pretend doctor. The pill bottle, syringe and ointment are also great pieces for imaginative play. The pieces are well made and solid with a few bright paint touches. It looks like the set will be around when her little brother wants to play pretend doctor as well.
Well, it looks like it is time for my checkup from the princess/doctor.

There are many new toys in the “imagine i CAN™” series. The prices range from $5 to $20 and offer all sorts of imaginative play. There are kits that range from knitting and sewing to playing pretend pirates, doctors and spies. You can find the whole line on the Manhattan Toy Website. And you can also find out more about Manhattan Toy on Facebook.
Disclosure: Product Provided. Opinions 100% my own.