The twelfth prize in my Swag Bag for SwagsGiving is a Kodak M580 Digital Camera. Congratulations to Tawnda (@Tawndam) for winning the prize today.

About the prize: The Kodak M580 was my camera for October. I asked Kodak for a camera to take with me on family vacation to Disney and they sent me the M580. In exchange I shot every photo-a-day photo of October 2010 with the camera. I also shot almost every photo of our family vacation with that camera. When I went to Blog World Expo Tina Clark gave me four Kodak products to do with as I wished. I gave two away during my session Content You Care About (follow the link to see my presentation). I asked if I could take the other two home, the M580 and the Zi8, I could and so I saved them specifically for SwagsGiving! So that is my disclosure and now my opinion of the camera. I like this camera. The 14MP, the 8X zoom and the 3inch LCD display make this a very user friendly camera. Some of the controls are a little strange with a flat set of buttons on the top right of the camera. More than one person was confused as to where the shutter button was. I love the Share button, I love the scene modes and I love that I can switch over to manual. One of my favorite scene modes is the panorama mode. This is a fun mode that allows you to create automatic panoramas right on the camera. The one thing that I dislike on the whole camera is that is sometimes is not to quick to focus and you have to try a few times to get the area of focus correct. I wish that Point and Shoot cameras would allow users to select the focus areas manually.
The Share button and the tagging system on the camera are also very useful. We used the share button a lot and were able to have photos and videos automatically post up to Facebook, Flickr and Youtube once we returned home from vacation. The tagging system has face recognition and so when the camera takes pictures of people it identifies that there are faces in the photo and then asks if you want to tag those faces. This is a great way for you to go back and find all the pictures of one particular family member. I would love to see this function integrated with Picasa because I have taken to have all of our family photos facially recognized with the Picasa software. Doing this twice is redundant and I’d love to avoid that. However, being able to tag photos with keywords is cool especially if you don’t unload the photos that quickly from your memory card like some people do. When you do finally get to downloading the photos you’ll instantly be able to see all the ones from Disney 2010 or other events. This is an all around solid camera from a great camera company.
Winners are chosen with Random.Org

About SwagsGiving!
SwagsGiving is happening each day from November 1 to November 30th. Each day I put up a new SwagsGiving post explaining how to participate. The post will also have an announcement of the previous day’s winner plus what the person won. Here’s the twist. You won’t know what you are winning until it is announced. I have prizes from Seagate, Kodak and Toy State as well as books, and various other prizes. So, here are the rules. Please read the rules carefully and follow them, if they are not followed then your comment will be removed at the time of selecting a winner.
Today is your thirteenth chance to enter to win a prize from my SwagsGiving event. Remember to come back each day to see if you won and to enter for the next day’s SwagsGiving Prize.
There are 5 Ways to Enter (Leave 1 SEPARATE Comment for EACH Entry). Each can be claimed daily.
- 1 Entry – Mandatory to Enter – To enter the contest leave a comment on each day’s SwagsGiving post with your guess about what might be in my SwagsGiving Swag bag. Leave this as your FIRST comment.
(If this is not done your entry will not count) - 1 Entry – Follow BenSpark on Twitter
(Leave a Comment with your Twitter name) - 1 Entry – Follow SwagsGiving on Twitter
(Leave a Comment with your Twitter name) - 1 Entry – Subscribe to BenSpark’s Personal Branding BootCamp
(Leave a comment letting me know you signed up) - 1 Entry – Tweet about SwagsGiving… something like
@BenSpark is clearing out his Swag Bag. Prizes abound during #SwagsGiving – Enter here
(Leave a comment with a link to your tweet. Here is how to get that link to your tweet)
I will not respond to any comments so that I can run the numbers correctly. Any trackbacks are unapproved while I select the random winner and then re-approved after. Only legitimate entries are counted. You have until midnight EST to enter for that day’s prize. Once midnight EST. rolls around (or as early the next morning as possible) I will close the comments. Each morning at 9:00am the new #SwagsGiving post will go up. The winner will be notified via e-mail and will have 48 hours to reply with a U.S. Mailing address so that we can send the winner their prize. Contest is open to U.S. Only. Prizes will be mailed out at the end of the month. You may win more than once. Please enter every day on the SwagsGiving post for that day. Please only enter once, do not use multiple names to enter. Make it fair for everyone and don’t stack the deck.
Disclosure: As I stated earlier in the post I received this prize from Kodak. I also received my very own camera from Kodak. However, the opinions expressed are 100% mine.
I think there is something fun, maybe another toy car.
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Well… bummer… I was hoping to win this one…well for tomorrow… maybe another book?
I tweeted!
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Following Swagsgiving on Twitter!
Subscribed to the bootcamp!
Just found you via twitter! I’m guessing it will be something cool from Seagate with another t-shirt?
I follow you on twitter (@zanvia)
I follow swagsgiving on twitter (@zanvia)
Tweeted –
My guess is the other Seagate product. I forgot what it’s called. LOL
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I am signed up for your Personal Branding Bootcamp emails
I’m going with a book maybe by someone named Jim.
I tweeted –!/Angelia818
I’m feeling like it will be a T-shirt.
yippee! I’m stunned! Thank you so much… I can’t wait
(Mommy’s got a Kodak CAMERA!! …okay… I’m done at least until I get it… ;-))
hehe… maybe you’ve got a few SDcards in your bag? or maybe some of those cute character flash drives?
@tawndam tweeted
happy tweets are the BEST
tawndam Follows BenSpark on Twitter
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I follow you on Twitter.
Sweet prize for the winner!
My guess for today is another piece of software of one sort or another.
A t-shirt, another flashlight?
following you on twitter – @bcmom
Follow SwagsGiving too
Boot Camp subsriber
I am hoping for a video camera
I am now following up on Twitter – @freeismylife
I am now following swagsgiving on Twitter – @freeismylife
Hey Ben, just followed! look forward to reading your stuff!! (@bluecollard)
I’m still hoping for another Seagate drive…
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sticking with a Seagate product
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I follow @swagsgiving as @Gadgetmagnet!/GadgetMagnet/status/3139110923411456
I’m going with a toy this time…gotta be a canmera (another one) out there soon but for now, I’m going with toys.
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a laptop bag?
I follow BS on twitter as ebmommy
I follow swag giving on twitter as ebmommy
Mmmmmmm…. maybe a Kodak Digital Picture Frame?
Seinfeld – The Complete Series DVD box set?
A girl can dream, right? LOL
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Your information has been recorded and your subscription request has been received.
I tweeted
A Brand New Car! or a train set okay just dreamin here but it’s fun to guess
Following on twitter @Nightowlmama
Following @Swagsgiving on Twitter @Nightowlmama
SUbscribed to bloggy BOot camp
I think you have some more DVDs in your bag of swag
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I think you have some cool camera accessories in your SwagBag…
I follow you on twitter! KAM918
I follow SwagsGiving on twitter! KAM918
I am subscribed to boot camp…
I tweeted:
Something entertaining….a video?
I subscribed to your Perosnal Branding Bootcamp.
I follow Sawgsgiving on Twitter (and facebook)
I’m going to guess a DVD Christmas movie – A Christmas Carol – with Jim Carrey !hehe!
My daily tweet for this give-away!!/XmasDolly/status/3255472526200832
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Tomorrow’s prize is going to be a book prize (I think).
@notime2ride follows @BenSpark on twitter.
@notime2ride follows @SwagsGiving on twitter.
I subscribe to BenSparks’ Personal Branding BootCamp.
Hey, I tweeted about SwagsGiving:
My guess today is Bacon Flavored/Scented something or other…though that would be weird if it’s a camera;)
I follow @Swagsgiving on Twitter as @motarpey
I follow @BenSpark on Twitter as @motarpey
Boooooooot Camp!!! In it!!
of course the one day i forget to enter! lol i’m gonna guess some cool techie gadget…least i’m hoping :o)
i follow @BenSpark on Twitter (@simply_ciara)
i follow @SwagsGiving on twitter (@simply_ciara)
i’m signed up for branding bootcamp
here’s the tweet