Photo-A-Day #4553
today was my sweet goddaughter, Kylie’s birthday. I got home from work and crawled right into bed to get as much sleep as I could before 1:30 pm where I’d get up and drive to my sister, Shelby’s house. The party started at 1 but I had to go late just so I could get some sort of sleep before the party. Balancing things on the weekends is a bit tough. I’ll surely be tired tonight but it is worth it to be there. The kids had fun together. At the end of the party both Eva and Andrew were riding bikes with their cousins. Kylie and Dylan are much more comfortable on bikes than Eva and Andrew. However, I think that Eva and Andrew are about ready to get some decent bikes to ride. I know that they both are big enough for the Mobo Cruiser and I will have to gt Andrew out on that again soon.