Last Night of Our Cape Vacation

Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01660

Tonight was our last night on the Cape. We had a great steak dinner together and then the kids went down the beach to Hogz and Dogz. We debated letting the kids go do this on their own. However, all of the kids went together. It is a good thing, too because the kids got hassled by some teenage girls as they walked back home. The girls made comments to Eva and Dylan defended her by telling off the girls. They came home and told us all about it. Of course they were keyed up and excited.

then my sisters walked down the beach to see if they got harassed as well. The kids went upstairs to watch from Eva’s bedroom window. We were on the front porch and could hear them yelling and cheering. However, when my sisters came back they told us that they had not seen these girls. The kids were all sorts of wild about what happened. It was good to see the kids sticking up for each other.