Photo-A-Day #3948
After being sick from work I woke up feeling better and happy that we weren’t rushing off to 8am Mass. We spent some lazy Sunday time in bed after Andrew woke us up. Then he and Eva spent some time with a new Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 that I received for a future review. It has the Samsung Kids subscription app for the next three months free and it is really fun to use. I set it up last night and each of the kids has their own account. The choices are set up for their ages and they had some good fun with it. It is a nice little tablet, too.
We went to the 10:15 Mass, one that we never get to go to because of work. It is the children’s Mass so the kids got to go to another room with all the kids during the Liturgy of the Word. Then they come back at the Offertory. We went with my parents.
After Mass we went to The Purple Rooster to celebrate my Mom’s birthday. It was a great meal. I had sausage stuffed French Toast. When it came to the table I was surprised to see that it looked like two hot dogs. They made the French Toast with Hot Dog rolls and large sausages inside. It was a very cool thing to see and was even tastier to eat. The kids entertained my parents by making some towers with Jenga pieces. We tried to keep them quiet instead of dropping the pieces over and over on the table. They did pretty good. Eva would make something and Andrew would look at it and make the same thing.
After breakfast the kids and Allison went to Open House at the school. I went home but first popped into Toys R Us to see if there was a sale on Skylanders. New ones came out this past week. There was a Buy 1 get one for 40% off sale and I had a $15 credit so I picked up a few new Skylanders. I got Tomb Buggy, Soda Skimmer, Legendary Bone Bash Roller Brawl and Birthday Bash Big Bubble Pop Fizz. I made today’s vlog mostly about that and the fact that I finished one full month of vlogs.