Photo-A-Day #4330
On September 6, 2012 I was first introduced to Mo, the Modibot. He was a protoype at the time and the start of something new from my new friend Wayne Losey. Wayne had tried a Kickstarter for some really nice looking action figures. The Kickstarter did not get funded and he asked me to go have coffee with him to talk about Kickstarter campaigns and social media. We had a really nice discussion and while we were talking Wayne introduced me to Mo. This was a character that he had created using 3D printing at Shapeways. I instantly saw something great in this simple character.
Mo is so incredibly posable that he could do all sorts of things. Get a Facebook fan page for him and take photos of his adventures. Get people excited about him and as you create new accessories through Shapeways introduce them. About a year later Wayne launched a new Kickstarter and this time it was for Modibot. The campaign got funded and I made sure that I picked up a ton of the figures. Well, a few years have passed and Wayne continues to make parts for Mo and refine the figure. He asked if I had any of the new colors. I didn’t and so he sent me a mess of parts and accessories. I plan on making some stop motion animations with Mo soon. I was inspired because Wayne showed a photo of some magnetic fee that he was making for his figures. This will be perfect for keeping the character in the exact spot for making stop motion. So, today I made my own magnetic feet and show ou some of the new accessories for Mo.
I miss the Mo calendar that Kim ran on SC!
I miss SC primarily because it being gone screwed up years of my posts. It is going to take me a long time to eradicate any and all mentions of that site here and to fix well over a thousand posts and broken links. Never did get a satisfying explanation as to why it imploded and there was talk of putting back something archived but that never happened. I get angry even thinking about it. So much of my site is a mess because of it. I never should have used the SC code to display my images. I did it to promote SC. I lost the entire first year of Andrew’s life in photos because of the implosion of that site. So angry still.