Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00063
I’ve been sick for the past week. I was off work on Friday and Saturday but last night worked from home because of the major snow that was happening. I was coughing all night and it was rough. Cold, coughing and miserable. So, when I was done work my work day was not done. I went right out and started snowblowing. There was at least 6 inches of heavy snow out there, too. I got outside and immediately I did not see my shovel. The kids had been playing with it the day before and I told them to take if off the yard because it would get covered by snow.
Luckily when I got off the porch and turned the corner there it was against the house. Very lucky.
I worked on the snow for a few hours and was so beat afterwards that I ended up asking Allison to finish for me and I went to bed and slept for a long time. It was my worst day of the sickness so far.