This past Sunday I was part of a panel at Affiliate Summit West 2010. I learned so much from being on the panel and also afterwards. I really enjoyed the people that I was on the panel with. They included:
- Kristopher B. Jones, President, Pepperjam Network, A GSI Commerce Company (Twitter @pepperjamceo) (Moderator)
- John Carcutt, SEO Manager, MediaWhiz (Twitter @JohnCarcutt)
- Tim Jones, Owner, (Twitter @TheRealTimJones)
- Murray Ross Newlands, Founder, Affiliate Heat (Twitter @murraynewlands)
As promised (if you were one of the 250 or so people who attended to panel), here the WordPress / SEO / various APPS and links we mentioned during the panel:
→ All in One SEO Pack – Automatically optimizes your WordPress blog for Search Engines, everyone uses it, if you have not got it get it now.
→ Google XML Sitemaps – Create a Google sitemaps compliant XML-Sitemap of your WordPress blog. This helps google index your website.
→ Broken link Checker Search engines do not like broken links. This plugin ensures you have none
→ Best Posts Summary Provides a daily , weekly or monthly summary post of your posts, this is great for readers to catch up on your blog and also for linking internally.
→ Blog Traffic Exchange related websites plugin is something I am trying it passes you traffic from other related sites and you do the same. It helps you share conversation between blogs.
→ Stats This plugin very simply gives you everything you need to track your visitor stats which is critical to find out where your are getting your traffic from to help you with seo.
→ WP Super Cache – This is a very fast caching engine for WordPress that produces static html files, this speeds up your blog for your visitors.
→ WP-DB-Backup – On-demand backup of your WordPress database
→ Akismet removes spam comments, I get hundreds per day.
→ WP Contact Form III lets your visitors contact you eaisly with a contact form
→ E-Mail Responder – simple and can be added to most WP blogs
→ Disqus – good for building conversation
→ TanTan Noodles – plugin for Flickr
→ Comment Luv – Automatically checks the blog feed of the commenter and adds a link to their latest post.
→ All-In-One Seo Pack – A helpful plug in to add SEO to each of your posts.
→ Tweet This – Good integration with Social Media Sites for automatic postsing as well as offering readers a way to quickly send your posts to social media sites.
→ Tweetmeme – Probably the quickest and easiest way to help people to tweet your posts.
→ Add Post Footer – Allows you to customize how the footer of your posts work and it also sets up a related posts option.
→ Odiogo Listen Button Not everyone coming to your blog can read it some want to listen to it give them the option.
→ (SEOmoz) – Could Twitter Cannibalize the Web’s Link Graph
→ Grow Map Blog – Grow Your Online Business Website and Blog
→ Aweber – Email Marketing Software, Newsletters, & Autoresponders
→ Ninja Affiliate – WordPress Affiliate Link Tracking
→ Feedburner – Better manage RSS feeds
→ SkimLinks – We convert your links into affiliate links for you
→ OIO Publisher – Ad Manager – Control Your Ad Space
→ Max Banner Ads – Easily add and rotate banners in your WP blog
→ GoDaddy – Domains/Hosting
Did you attend the session? If so please let me know if you wrote anything about it on your blog so I can link to you and your recap, review, rant, or rave. Here are some already.
- Daniel M. Clark – Live Blogging Affiliate Summit West 2010
- Kristopher Jones – Kris’ post about the panel
- John Chow – He enjoyed the panel.
- Shannon of Marketing Elf – She is quite comprehensive.
- Stephanie Lichtenstein – She is a also wicked comprehensive in her review.
- MasterBlaster – A quickie recap hitting all the high points
Nice list of plugins – darn, I already have most of them.
.-= Look at what Shawn Collins wrote blog ..Audience Conference, Part Deux =-.
Thanks Shawn,
Do you have any other plug ins to add to the list? I had a great time at ASW10. You and Missy put on such a great event. I hope to come back to the ASW again and will get to ASE10 I hope. Also you and Missy working with Loren on Audience, that is fantastic. I hope to get to that too because comedy is my absolute favorite. You guys should check out Rob Paravonian – He did a podcast called Life as a comic and I think he is NYC based. He’s funny.
Hey Drew – here are some others I use:
– Audio player (stream podcasts):
– iWPhone (format your blog for iPhones):
– JS-kit (comment management):
– What Would Seth Godin Do (custom message for new visitors):
Thanks for the comedian suggestion.
.-= Look at what Shawn Collins wrote blog ..Audience Conference, Part Deux =-.
Thanks for those links Shawn, I use WWSGD on some blogs, I should put that back on this one somewhere. I use WPTouch for the iphone and it works great.
Thanks for the list! I have been looking for one in particular to do related posts. I just added CommentLuv last night after seeing it again on your blog. I may give Tweetmeme a shot.
Another one that I swear by now is Exec-PHP. It allows you to use php snippets in your WP posts and pages. Great if you want to use GoldenCan, PopShops, or something like that.
.-= Look at what Tricia wrote blog ..Learning to Take Chances at Affiliate Summit =-.
You are welcome. Thank you for the suggestion of more plug ins I have yet to implement data feeds to this blog. I need to figure out how to do that well.
This is great, thanks Drew. I was furiously typing everything I could from the list, but the slides kept jumping around between the three pages of plugins, and I missed a few. I know a lot of them, and at least one isn’t needed because I’m using Thesis, but you’ve given me a lot of new goodness to explore.
.-= Look at what Daniel M. Clark wrote blog ..Geek Dads Weekly #2 – Crushing It! =-.
Do you have a write up about the panel. I heard that you got lots of content at the show and I regret that we didn’t get to actually talk there. So much happens during Affiliate summit and with 4,000 it is crazy meeting everyone (sadly we spent time in the same room for quite a long time).
Thesis does get rid of All in One SEO for sure, it also helps so many other things. I’m enjoying Your podcast as I listen to it right now. I’d love to be on the show if you are ever looking for a guest. When will it be on iTunes?
My bad, I did see your write up and I did comment on it, yours was one of the first ones up. I am going to do a link out to everyone who recapped the event. I just listened to GeekDads Weekly. I noticed that you said you wouldn’t use sponsored tweets because it would dilute your twitter stream and you’d only get paid a small amount. You can set whatever price you want per tweet and I think that you should sign up and put in your price and see what you get offered. You don’t have to take every offer that comes your way. That is the great thing about it, you have choice and control.
I really liked the podcast, great job.
Thanks for the compliments on the podcast, Drew – we aim to please! I also regret that we didn’t chat in Vegas, and after we emailed prior to the event, too. We’ll definitely catch up at the next one for sure.
Thanks for the info on Sponsored Tweets. I think the setting of a minimum is a key piece that I was overlooking, and one that could sway me to take another look at it. Nothing wrong with signing up; I’ll do that and bring it up on the next show!
.-= Look at what Daniel M. Clark wrote blog ..Geek Dads Weekly #2 – Crushing It! =-.
Glad to see that you might be signing up for Sponsored Tweets.
I know, it is a regret because I did contact you prior to the show and now I’m seeing all these cool things that we could have talked about. Well, I’m subscribing to your podcast and blog so I won’t make the same mistakes again.
Hey Drew, might be worth adding us to the list, as you might know Skimlinks is just a line of javascript code you add to your footer and it automatically affiliate-enables links in your content to products and services. Saves a *lot* of time and effort
Our wordpress plugin is currently being redeveloped so should be back online soon (its just the same as adding the javascript anyway)
btw – awesome blog design!
Joe / @digijoe
I haven’t used that one, I will check it out and add that to the list as well. Great to meet you at Diablo’s hopefully next time we can chat for a bit.
I have stumbled on a really cool affiliate marketing program…these guys practically do everything for you! Now I make money from home doing what I love to do and sharing it on the internet. If you want to check it out, take a look at this:
Thank you for sharing with me.
Thank you, Drew. I love your work, man!
I am very happy to have become a part of this community.
Oh yeah, another cool thing is they provide you with free video content to add to your blogs or web-pages. I’m not lying, look at this:
I would love any comments. Please feel free to leave back-links, too!
.-= Look at what David Scott wrote blog ..Welcome to! =-.
Welcome David,
I’m not really looking for any links to affiliate programs, I probably wouldn’t use the one you are suggesting. I appreciate the interaction just not the pushing of a site. I am sure that was not your intention and that you are here for genuine interaction and I welcome that. Thank you.
Is it necessary to put both the plug-ins “tweet this” and “tweetmeme” in your blog? Aren’t they offering similar functions?
It is not necessary to have both but you could if you put one at the top of your post and one at the bottom. Some people tweet a post right away and some read the post and then tweet. Making it easier for your audience to spread your message is what those two could be used for. I personally use Tweetmeme. I used to use sociable and some other things.
Hi Drew,
My 2 favourite plugins would be All in One SEO Pack and Google XML sitemaps. They really play a huge role in driving free traffic.
Thanks for sharing all these awesome plugins.
Hi Edmund,
Those are two great plug ins. I use them myself.
Thanks for the list. I personally use all in one and Google xml sitemaps. Remember back then before I started using Google xml sitemaps, I submit sitemaps manually. It wasn’t very fun.
This is an awesome list. Thanks for sharing. You mentioned Disqus, but I see you’re not using it on this site, any particular reason why?