Today the brand new My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks movie hits theaters. This is the sequel to the original Equestria Girls movie. Now Canterlot High is all sorts of different with the changes in Sunset Shimmer. The new group of friends Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Apple Jack have started a band called the Rain Booms. Sunset Shimmer is trying her best to change and live down being so awful. Here is a clip from the movie.
Music Video: Rainbooms Rehearsal
We will be going to see the movie today and I am pretty excited because both Eva and Andrew enjoy My Little Pony. They liked Equestria girls and I think with even more songs they are really going to enjoy this even more. You can get your tickets and look for locations where the movie is playing by clicking the image below.
I have even more videos after the jump.
Music Video: Shake Your Tail
Music Video: Battle of the Bands
Official Trailer