New Boxing Shoes

new boxing shoes
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01989

A couple of years ago I got my first pair of Hayabusa boxing shoes for Krav. I got them before my black belt test. I had tried several different shoes before them and they never worked quite the way I wanted. The Hayabusa ones worked out very well but I wore them out and ripped both shoes recently. So, it was time to get new ones.

This time I picked not just blue shoes but blue and yellow ones. I like how they look like they could go with an overall Wolverine from the X-Men aesthetic. However, that would mean buying some new Wolverine themed gloves. I’m not ready for new gloves yet. I probably should have gone with the black and red ones to go along with my Iron man gloves. If they had red and gold that would have worked even better.