So much happened today. I started off with a trip over to the house to start stripping wallpaper. Our future bedroom was the room I wanted to get working on. I used a sprayer and wet the walls twice and then scraped off the wallpaper on one third of the room. I really hope that the stripper I sprayed doesn’t make the glue tougher tomorrow.
I ran home quickly and grabbed Uncle Mike and the grill and Allison’s old play kitchen. That’s about all we had time for because I had to get back for our next appointment.
Allison, Eva and I went for an appointment at the OBGYN. We had an ultrasound appointment and this was Eva’s first trip to see the baby. Everything is going well with the baby.
A quick trip from there over to BJs to get a few things for over at the new house. We’re doing some big cleaning and work tomorrow and Thursday so we picked up burgers and dogs to feed the troops. I just hope we’ll have a few troops to feed.
Dropped off the food at the house and then flew over to Sorella Salon so that Allison could get her hair cut. I entertained Eva and then we grabbed dinner at Pan City Grille.
I feel like all I’ve done is run since I’ve woken up. I’m disappointed that I didn’t finish stripping the bed room. I thought I’d be further along than I was but there was nothing I could do about that, and that is frustrating. But knowing that the baby is doing well balances things out.
I wish I could be there to help!! I hope you get lots of people…you know the decent friends that didn’t pack up and move to Florida!! Just remember to have fun and it will make the time go faster…that or a spoonful of sugar;)
It is okay, Greg came to help and that was good. I got everything I needed to get done this week, also good.
Drew, I’m not sure if I’ve offered you and Allison congratulations yet. If not I just want to let you both know that im very excited for you. On the house and the baby.
Thank you very much. We’re also very excited as well. You did congratulate me on the baby, probably the house too. we can go tot he tape of the show.
Some days are just like that. I find I never seem to get enough done during the days. Great news about the baby though and I’m praying for you that all goes well.
It is tough when it is a day that you do a ton of things but at the same time you don’t get enough time to do the things you really should be doing.
Nice blog and pics and good luck with the baby. I reside in Thailand and went through the baby thing 2 years ago – my little guy has never looked back. BTW I am 61 years old this month…
Congrats on being a late in life dad. Glad you are enjoying the photos here.