Photo-A-Day #4139
If you are a fan of Battlestar Galactica then you might recall an exchange between Adama and Starbuck. Part of the exchange is the line “Nothing but the rain, sir. Today was a bit rainy and so I was thinking of a title to today’s vlog, which is mostly about nothing and has me do a little freak out over a guy making me slam on my brakes. I was thinking about my friend, Justin’s vlog where he does a vlog about nothing.
We came home from the Cape today. That was after we had a nice breakfast this morning with the kids all together. We didn’t go to the beach but rather packed up and Allison cleaned the rooms. Then it was time to go. There were many tears from the kids. Eva had been there for three weeks and that is a very long time for a kid. She wanted to stay but was also missing her cats very much. I wasn’t very much because they crapped all over the basement. That is lovely during 93 degree weather with tons of humidity. I was down scrubbing the floors and getting completely soaked in sweat, not two minutes after getting home. Meanwhile, Eva thinks that James has gotten softer fur since she last saw him. The cats do love her and stayed with her most of the time that she watched shows.
I tried to get a few hours of sleep before work but I just ended up laying there with my eyes closed doing nothing, no sleep, nothing. I didn’t even have my phones with me to distract me.
Because we’d essentially been gone for 3 weeks there was nothing in the house to eat so we went to Weatherlaines for dinner. The kids were so polite and did a great job drawing. Eva starts art class next week and she wanted to bring examples to her teacher to get help on things like drawing hair. She is going to have a lot of fun in that class.