Photo-A-Day #4546
Andrew had his karate graduation ceremony this morning. He has been working hard at karate. He is still more impish and restless than anything but he has been advancing each and every session. We’ve had many discussions about how to behave while in class. There have been tears, pleading and more. At graduation he was pretty well behaved. He did a good job with his forms and now he is using a Bo Staff. We struggle with wanting to go and not wanting to go. I have heard that this is normal. It drives me crazy because there is so many benefits to karate and this will help him so much as he gets older. But he’s also a little kid with a lot of energy. He gets fidgety. I know that I struggle with watching this, I shouldn’t get so upset by it but I do. I need to mellow out a bit so that he can enjoy it without too much scrutiny on my part. This is probably the biggest thing that contributes to the moments when he does not enjoy karate.
I am very proud of him and I do tell him so. I was happy to be a part of the ceremony. He is on a journey to that Little Dragons Black Belt and I do hope that he continues along this path.