The April Challenge ended yesterday and the May challenge is starting today. The theme is beverage this week. I think I’m going to sit this one out or maybe do a few. I’ve already resigned myself to probably not do one today as I haven’t really found anything that I’d like to take, but you never know.
today after work Allison and I went for a walk with Eva so I could clear my head. You see, I get paid once a month and when the check hits I have already allocated every dollar of that paycheck to the bills. On bill day I am not the happiest of camper. It also didn’t help that we had a huge bill on Allison’s car today. But no biggie because we go a rebate of $10.00, I can’t even buy 3 gallons of gas with that and soon I probably won’t be able to buy two gallons with that much. So you can see, a walk was needed to talk about these things and relax a bit. While out walking I decided to take this photo of a little brook up the street from us. I love who someone built a little bridge over it in their yard. It is just nice.
Allison and Eva leave for Vermont tomorrow. They are spending the weekend there and I am living the bachelor life while they are gone. Movies, hopefully going to see Iron man or Forbidden Kingdom. Saturday I’m going to go and take photos at an event called Strut Your Mutt (for fun but I will be handing out business cards to anyone interested) and later that afternoon I am hitting a Wing Off and that night hanging with my friends from out of town. And if I recover from that excitement on Saturday I will probably clean up around this place on Sunday. Now even though I am excited for a little me time It is not to say that I won’t be missing my two favorite ladies. I most certainly will be missing them a great deal.
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Car repair bills can really screw up the budget big-time, we were there last year. We kind of fell behind on other bills because of repairs to a car we ended up replacing anyway. But still, with no car, Mike can’t get to work, and then he’d have NO paycheck at all. Only downside now is that we have a car payment again…sigh. Sometimes you just can’t win!
I miss the good old days when we could fill our gas tank for about $20. Now it is over $30. Gack. At least our car gets around 30 MPG.
Love the pic. If I had money, and property, I’d love a yard like that.
Christine’s last blog post..So I bought a new suit?
I didn’t even notice the bridge until you mentioned it. How dare you not take up this weeks challenge, shame on you! I kid..I kid.. lol.
That is the cutest pic of Eva, just hanging upside down like that.
Chica’s last blog post..The May Challenge Begins..
I hate bill day!! I feel like it’s every day of the week though:( Have a fun bachelor weekend…I’m sure your fam will miss you:)
Adorable picture of mommy and Eva…that kid just makes me smile!
Mo’s last blog post..33
Car repair bills are never cheap. The bill was supposed to be around $500 but of course they found about $1500 worth of things that need to be fixed. We put off one of them but had to do the brakes.
I write down mileage, price per gallon, # of gallons and total price each time I fill up, it is sad to go back to when I first bought the car in 2003. Arg.
Hey Chica,
I’m just not that into the beverage theme this week, I will participate at some point but this week I think I’m probably not going to be able to do it.
Isn’t that picture a cute one. Eva is really letting that little personality shine.
Bill day sucks. It just does, I can sympathize. I will will Allison and Eva as well. Despite my excitement to just be a guy for a couple of days.
That is the cutest pic
photoshopvideotips’s last blog post..Photoshop CS3 Tutorial: Creating A Blood Effect
Thanks very much PSVT. She is quite the cute kid isn’t she?
Hi Ben,
I have been away for far too long. But, I truly needed a break. When I left back in February I had a total of 656 posts and the Veil hadn’t even been up for a year. I was exhausted.
Your picture brings back lovely memories of when we lived in Maine.
Bills are an issue with us too. Everything is so expensive now. Walter is gone almost all of the time just so we can keep up.
Your ladies are quite beautiful. I would say you are certainly a blessed man.
And, last but not least, I thought your Photo A Day project had come to an end. I would love to add your pictures back to my blog. Please let me know how I can…if I can?
I hope the movies are good!!
Shinade’s last blog post..Welcome Home B Company 3144
Hi Jackie,
Welcome Back. You can add the Photo-A-Day project to your blog by going to my page choose the code you want to display on your blog and let me know where to find it and I will add you back to my blogroll.
Bills are just becoming worse and worse I don’t know how some people manage. We are doing okay but somedays I fear it could turn right around and go poorly just as easily.
The movies were very fun. And thanks for the note about Allison and Eva, yes I am lucky alright.