Photo-A-Day #794 06/11/07

I am in Manitoba. I have been here since noon. I drove around the downtown but didn’t get a chance to walk around and take photos of the cool stuff here. I was helping to set up for the demo tomorrow. And now I have a ton of stuff that I need to do before tomorrow. I hope I finish early enough to write up my Tech Tuesday with BenSpark for the FMB blog. I do not want to slack on that. Continue reading Photo-A-Day #794 06/11/07

Macro Mondays: Planes, Trains and Automobiles 06/11/07

I am probably on an airplane at the moment headed to Winnipeg, MB, Canada. I have a demo there for two days and then on to Lincoln, NE. So instead of macro shots of real Planes,Trains and Automobiles here are some Transformers that fit the bill. The first is Omega Supreme who turns into a train, the macro is of his box because I didn’t take him out yet.

Macro Mondays: Planes, Trains and Automobiles 06/11/07: Omega Supreme

The second is of Classics Jetfire. He is still trapped in his little plastic and cardboard prison.

Macro Mondays: Planes, Trains and Automobiles 06/11/07: Jetfire

Classics Ramjet is another one of the planes.

Macro Mondays: Planes, Trains and Automobiles 06/11/07: Ramjet

and the last two are of Classics Cliffjumper.

Macro Mondays: Planes, Trains and Automobiles 06/11/07: Cliffjumper

Macro Mondays: Planes, Trains and Automobiles 06/11/07: Cliffjumper

One Family's Adventures in the World