Get a Flickr or Zooomr PRO account to host your outdoor photos…

This month I am sponsoring a contest all by my lonesome. And it is a crazy one, only the innovative need apply.

By hosting this contest I am hoping to create greater exposure of all of my projects across the web and to build community among my readers. Isn’t that what we all are looking for with our blogs, exposure and community. The more exposure, the more readers, the more communication and interaction the better the community. I love interacting with everyone who visits and comments here on this blog and my other blogs.

So I am giving away three prizes. The prizes will be photography related. I have found that as my photography has improved so has my group of readers (I’m talking quantity here, I have always had quality readers) and photography related prizes are perfect for this blog.

I’m going to do something a little out of the ordinary here. The contest will run for the month of August and there will be no voting but there will be many ways to earn points instead.

Are you up for a little challenge?

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One Family's Adventures in the World