Contest Site: Bid 4 Prizes

There is a brand new site for winning prizes. The concept behind this site is radically different than other sites where you bid on prizes. In this case you want to have the lowest bid out there instead of the highest bid. I signed up for the site today and it is highly addictive. You only get 20 chances to bid each day. Once you place your bid you get a confirmation e-mail telling you whether your bid is unique or not and if someone has bid lower than you. If there are other people who bid the same amount then your bid is no good, try again.

I bid on the Nintendo Wii and the Flatscreen Viewsonic Monitor. The prizes are really sweet and if you have the lowest unique bid then you can win at bid4prizes. They even have an iPhone that you can bid on. imagine getting an iPhone for $0.58 that would certainly be a bargain. If I win any of the prizes I bid on then we can add to the new amenities in our living room. And if I get the Wii I’m going to donate it to a Silent Auction that we are having at my 15 year High School reunion.

Read my disclosure policy.

Bob should give me his DS Lite…

Well at least I hope Bob over at Bob Meets World decides to give me his Nintendo DS Lite. You see Bob is a master at contests and link generation. He is the man behind the Feed my Feed link wagon. I signed up for that and have gained many new blogs to read and have found more people reading this blog. So the link exchange is a success in my book. Bob always has some cool stuff on his blog like funny videos, contests and fun activities. If you happen to Stumble Upon Bob and his site you will find some great stuff to read. Continue reading Bob should give me his DS Lite…

One Family's Adventures in the World