TV Shows: Drive Revs up, Heroes Returns

Save the cheerleader, been there done that, hows about you save some room on your DVR. The hit show Heroes returns this evening for the final 5 episodes. Where did we leave off. H.R.G. has lost his memory but his wife was helping him, however he was found out by the shape shifting chick. Peter is in a battle with Sylar while Mohinder hangs, literally, in the balance. Claire has caught up with her real parents. Matt seems to be now working with the company that H.R.G. used to work for. D.L., Nikki/Jessica and their whiz kid… I have no clue, they weren’t very interesting to begin with. Hiro has claimed his sword.

The final five episodes hold the keys to the resolution of this year’s story arc. How to stop an exploring man.

On Drive we will see our hero Alex Tully slip behind the driver’s seat of his car, a black, 1972 Challenger. We saw last week that our hero has a past that he has tried to forget but old habits and talents die hard. Alex took to his machine like a duck to water and blazed a trail up to Rome Georgia. So we sit and wait for the movie to begin in tonight’s episode.

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