Can you name the movies?

Bob over at Bob Meets World has a picture up and is supposedly has 100 movie titles that can be found in the images on this overall image. I was able to find 15 of them then gave up so someone else could get a shot at it. I could have gone on, you know I could have. I have that part of my brain that is reserved just for movie quotes and other useless knowledge. If you want to see if you can find any of the additional movies, there are 80 left, head on over to Bob Meets World and Try your luck.

Website: FotoWhoosh is coming

FotoWhoosh is a new site that can turn your 2D photos into 3D images. The concept is pretty cool but I already have some trouble with it. I followed the instructions and downloaded Cortona. I downloaded one of th4e zip files and I think my slowdown happened when opening a Firefox browser to view the 3D image.actually, it looks like I didn’t let it fully load. Now that things are fully loaded I can pan and zoom and fly around the 3D image. It is pretty sweet in fact. I am looking forward to getting a few of my images up on FotoWhoosh. I signed up for the Beta and hope that I can get in to play around soon.

This information came courtesy of Cali Lewis of GeekBrief.TV. It was in Brief #155.

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