Today I got home from Michigan and then headed up to Natick to a Buffettless Buffett party. The second of its kind. I was to bring and retire the Tiki of Death. That was retired early on in the night with a 750ml of Jose Cuervo margarita. The Tiki is still at Betsy’s. I had a heck of a time getting up to Framingham to catch a ride over to the party. Allison came from work and we decided to leave my car at my office and I would get it tomorrow when Allison was on her way to book club.
I was coming up from the PVD airport and figured I would shoot up 146 to the pike and save myself some time. Nope that did not happen. No time was saved in fact time as wasted. I ended up going about 25 miles out of my way to end up one exit past the one I got off. I was coming up on 146 and noticed that there was a huge back up so I veered off onto 122 and ended up making a wide u-turn essentially.
The party was as always a very fun time. Betsy and Peter are fantastic hosts and we enjoyed ourselves thoroughly. I have some photos from the night that Allison too but won’t be posting them anytime soon so as to protect the innocent. You know how you are and you’ll be getting copies of these pictures. The photo of the day is safe though. Those are cheeseburger in paradise cookies. And they are mighty tasty.
I have a bonus picture for my friend Wes. This is me in the Saginaw airport listening to the WesCast. It is Wes’ ‘podcast’ thing that he’s been doing on his website. Wes is the creator of You’ll Have That. Read it and listen to the WesCast.
Okay so iGo is having a contest. It is called “Where Have You Taken Your iGo?”. They are looking for the most unique location that the iGo has gone. You are supposed to take a picture of you and your iGo. The contest runs between September 12, 2006 to December 31, 2006. What I don’t understand is who is taking their iGo and taking pictures of themselves with it. (Granted I just did for this contest and my photo is lame, even for a last minute photo-a-day picture.) What sort of place am I going to go with my iGo and get a picture before December 31, 2006? The reason I should really win this contest is that I’ve been using my iGo JUICE for four years and I have taken it across the country and into Canada. It accompanies me on every trip (except for the one where I forgot it and all hell broke loose, well at least in my world.) I’ve used it with three laptops, three cell phones and a PDA. This thing has been my lifeline on the road. I remember overlooking the city of Vancouver and charging my cell phone in my rental mini van so I could call my Dad. I use the iGo on the airplane all the time to write blogs and play video games and watch movies. I love this thing. So I need to get a great picture of me and my iGo so I can win the contest. The video for the picture was that I live out of my suitcase. I used the 10 second timer on the camera, I’m going to need some help with the ‘unique’ one.
You may have noticed some changes to the blog. First of all the buzznet photo strips are at the top now, one for me and one for ALLISON! Yep, Allison is catching the photo taking bug and will be posting from time to time. I couldn’t be more excited to share this hobby with her. I also added some transformers news to the sidebar and I put the links to trivia under the Addicting Web Games drop down menu. Alot of the clutter is at the bottom of the screen, sort of like sweeping things under the bed. I may need them still but I want them out of sight. I figure that the important stuff should be at the top, newest things, photos, things that change often. I hope you enjoy.