Photo-A-Day #418 05/31/06

The summer movie season has started (Well it actually started with MI3 but who want’s Tom Cruise’s crazy to rub off on them?) And te Da Vinci Code came out a week or so ago but we didn’t see it. But we did go and see X-MEN 3 The Last Stand. Awesome! That is about the size of it. What a great addition to the franchise. If you go make sure that you stay till the end of the whole movie and the credits. It is worth it. Allison was so excited.

There was a bunch of new movie posters out at the theatre, one was for Snakes on a Plane. A Samuel L. Jackson vehicle. Here is the synopsis: “On board a flight over the Pacific Ocean, an assassin, bent on killing a passenger who’s a witness in protective custody, lets loose a crate full of deadly snakes.” I could think of a few more effective and focused ways to get the job done but it is creative. The picture is terrible, I know, fuzzy and whatnot.

My pedometer shows 3576 steps. Pretty pitiful, gotta up that number.

Lisa’s Photo_a_Day

I’ve found a fantastic Photo_a_Day web site. This one is run by Lisa Spodak. Lisa has kept up a Photo_a_Day blog for three years. That is a fantastic accomplishment. Another fantastic accomplishment by Lisa is participating in all 8 of the Avon 2-Day Breast Caner Walks. That is something that she accomplished this year, in fact she just finished the New York 2-Day on October 1 & 2. Lisa has been trying to raise the enormous sum of $25,000.00 in donations for all of those walks. She is now at $22,202.86. That is so close. I know she is going to make it because she has some great items for sale as well as a very ingenious auction.

Lisa has approached and photographed many celebrities as they autograph a breast cancer bear. And now she is auctioning off each of the bears, starting at $25.00 each. Check it out and support Lisa’s goal of raising $25,000.00.

I am adding Lisa to my Photo-A-Day list and I also placed a bid on the Neil Patrick Harris bear.

One Family's Adventures in the World