Lisa’s Photo_a_Day

I’ve found a fantastic Photo_a_Day web site. This one is run by Lisa Spodak. Lisa has kept up a Photo_a_Day blog for three years. That is a fantastic accomplishment. Another fantastic accomplishment by Lisa is participating in all 8 of the Avon 2-Day Breast Caner Walks. That is something that she accomplished this year, in fact she just finished the New York 2-Day on October 1 & 2. Lisa has been trying to raise the enormous sum of $25,000.00 in donations for all of those walks. She is now at $22,202.86. That is so close. I know she is going to make it because she has some great items for sale as well as a very ingenious auction.

Lisa has approached and photographed many celebrities as they autograph a breast cancer bear. And now she is auctioning off each of the bears, starting at $25.00 each. Check it out and support Lisa’s goal of raising $25,000.00.

I am adding Lisa to my Photo-A-Day list and I also placed a bid on the Neil Patrick Harris bear.

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