The Evo Conference started today but first, I needed to get from Boston to Park City Utah. The journey was a pretty quick and easy one if you can call about 8 hours of solid travel quick. I booked my travel with left over American Airlines Miles and got First class for the trip, so that helped. then I had a travel buddy when I arrived. I drove with Kelly Whalen (@justcentsible) from the airport to the hotel. Along the way we stopped at the Apple Store in Salt Lake City to see about standing in line (2-3 hour long line, um no.) However when I was in Line I met Andrew Lock (@AndrewLock) of Help My Business Sucks. I saw him and went up to say hello. I think I was so excited because I recognized him that I forgot to introduce myself. He posed for a photo with me and Evabear though. Kelly and I also to an Arctic Circle for Fry Sauce. It was okay, not great, I think I make a better one overall but that is my own palate. But I can say I did itl
When we got to The Canyons I dropped Kelly at her hotel and then went to mine. I’m staying at a hotel a little down the hill from the Grand Summit hotel. I’m at the Silverado at a Murphy Bed Room. I have to take pictures of this place, it is really very cool. However there are no drawers to put away my clothes. So I put my clothes in the dryer. I unpacked, relaxed and then headed up the hill to register and get ready for the speaker meeting. I met so many people throughout the night and while I could list everyone here I just can’t so instead I am going to have people pose with Evabear and then post them to Flickr, Picasa and Facebook. So if you met me yesterday and got a photo look for them there and please tag yourself in the photos. |
I had a great dinner with a really nice group of people, we had an amazing opening keynote with some fantastic speakers too. There was not a dry eye in the house at the end of it either. And you could have heard a pin drop. The courage of the keynote speakers was electric.
After the opening kickoff party I hung out in the hotel lounge with Some really nice folks. They all had their photos taken with EvaBear too.
Hey there, Drew–
It has been fun hanging out with you at EVO and learning all your cool blogger and photographer tricks! Congrats on winning that MacBook! Life is good, eh?
Take care,
Lara Galloway
The Mom Biz Coach
Life is indeed good. I was stunned winning that. I can’t believe it. It has been really great meeting you here at Evo. We have one more day of fun and surprises. I will try not to win the ipad though.