Back to work after the long weekend. The flowers bloomed over the weekend. It is hot and humid around here. Put the air conditioners in this evening. Got a fan so our houseguest will be comfortable for the weekend.
Speaking of our house guest, Wes Molebash will be visiting us for the weekend because he is signing his first book of You’ll Have That Vol. 1 at Double Midnight Comics in Manchester, NH. Here are the details.
Comic Signing at Double Midnight Comics!
Saturday Jul 08, 2006
at 12:30 PM
Double Midnight Comics
245 Maple Street
Manchester, NH 03103
Wes Molebash will be signing copies of his book, You’ll Have That Vol. 1, at DM Comics in Manchester, NH!
I’ll be signing copies of my book, You’ll Have That Vol. 1, at Double Midnight Comics in Manchester, New Hampshire on Saturday, July 8th from 12:30 PM to 4:30 PM. The crew at DM Comics will also be celebrating the store’s anniversary with a huge back-issue sale, various sales on all other merchandise, special gaming tournaments and surprises, and hot dogs and cake at lunch time. I’ll be signing, sketching, and offering free high fives to anyone who asks.