Today I had set aside to do a project that I have wanted to get done. That was to consolidate 4 full book cases that we own into the one giant built in book case that we are going to have in our new space. Last night I took pile after pile of books into the bedroom. This had to be a two step process because we have cats and the rest of the house is open at the moment, which means that Oliver and Duncan would possibly get out into the greater house if I tried to bring the books directly from the book cases to the new built in book case. New to us, my Dad built this about 20 years ago now, he is an excellent craftsman. I brought the books from our living room and our bedroom and piled them on the floor of our new bedroom. I did this while checking for more puzzle pieces last night, waste of time, nothing came out.
This morning I woke up and the room looked like the library had thrown up.

Books to the left and right
Believe it or not the previous pictures were of sorted piles. This is unsorted.
Duncan doesn’t care, he’s comfortable and would like to escape into the rest of the house.
So I sorted all of our books by author and I also dusted them off, they were quite dusty despite our voracious reading. So the two step process was a very very long multi step process. I took the books into the room, got some sleep, woke up and checked for puzzle pieces, set up the laptop to keep on top of opps and puzzle pieces, started sorting and dusting each book. Made many piles around the room.
Then I went to the built in bookcase and got to work cleaning all the shelves with Murphy’s wood oil soap. Dad and I took the old computer off the built in and the only thing left is the cable modem.
I let the built in dry and watched a little of Steve Martin in The Jerk, that is a very funny movie. Oh and I ate.
Then it came time to start putting the books in the built in bookcase. I started with some of the side shelves and put away my King Arthur books first (I have tons of them from many authors, I love Authurian Legend). I also put away all of our comic strip collections like Foxtrot, Zits, Calvin and Hobbes and our signed copy of You’ll Have That Volume #1 (Wes you get a prominent spot on the book shelf.
I put a ton of books on the shelf, and while I did so I made sure that they were in the correct chronological order. I used my Flatwater Bookstore to make sure I had the correct order. And when I set up the Flatwater Bookstore I posted many of the collections and authors that we had and enjoy. I used to get the initial correct chronological order for the books.
The next step is to move the computer and desk stuff from the living room to this space. It is cleared and ready to go but I will move that stuff at a later date. For now I can set up my laptop and work with th
The weather here was crazy. It is still like 64 degrees out. It is January!
What an awesome entry Drew! I think it looks great, and I see you are a big murder mystery lover!
My husband has two large book cases filled with books, and a garage filled with boxes of books!
I had to show him your project in hopes of giving him some inspiration
If you are looking to clean out, you should take a look at title trader.
(It was a PPP opp I may try)
Yeah I got into the murder mystery thing because of Allison, she brought the books to the relationship, I was traveling everywhere I began to read them, I got hooked.