Today Dad and I painted the new living room with the final coats of paint. I slept in a bit and then around 9:00 Dad came up and started the ceiling. He did the ceiling over with the paint from Benny’s. I used it to paint he inside of the closet. The closet is were we will be putting he entertainment center.
Around 9:50 I headed over to Triboro Paint Center to pick up a gallon of Shabby Chic. I got the Matte Finish. I probably should have gone with and eggshell but the Matte finish looks really sharp now that everything is painted and has dried.
I went around the room with the roller and Dad cut in all the walls and around windows and the molding. I finished up the first coat and picked up lunches at Bob’s Market (a local market with a deli counter, and a nice walk for a beautiful day). After lunch I showed Dad the Nintendo Wii and we played a string of Wii Bowling. Dad enjoyed it.
We finished up in the early afternoon. Here is what the room in corners looks like now.
I took off all the tape and all the drop cloths are gone. We have some wiring to do and we need to wash up the floor real well then we will be able to move the old living room into the new living room.
And then I helped Dad load his motorcycle into the Van so he could take it to the Cape. He was heading down their early so he could catch up with my friend Neil and his Brother, they were stripping shingles off their house on the Cape, Dad is re-shingling the side of the house. Before he left he gave me some money to go and get my Mom’s car washed.
I took it to our local do it yourself car wash place and as I was spraying off the car I liked how the shadows looked on the hood and the way the water was spraying over the windshield so I took my camera in one hand and took a few shots to get the Photo-A-Day. here were some with a rainbow but they didn’t look as good.
Allison came home and we went over to visit with Andy and Rondi and have some chili, check out their cellar remodel and Andy’s drywall handiwork. Then we played a game of TV Scene It, they won, we were tied at the end and they pulled off a win. I have to say that Neil and Derek did help me to remember who was the penguin in the Batman TV series. I think they may have mentioned once or twice that Burgess Meredith played the penguin. Once or twice.
It’s looking pretty good to me!
Hope you get the room completely finished soon! 
Thanks, it is coming along, we will probably get everything finished for that room in about 2-3 weeks time. Next we have to do some wiring and assembly of an entertainment center.
I like the idea of Photo-A-Day, I remember one guy that gets one shot a day to the sky, really interesting.
That is interesting to take a single shot of one thing each day, very interesting. Thanks for stopping by.
Just imagine the amount of different colors you could get from the sky