Today I went to the the Granite State Comicon in Manchester, NH. The guys from Double Midnight Comics put on a few comicons each year. They got many different artists to come to the convention and the 501st New England Garrison was there raising money for the Jimmy Fund. Pictures with the members were $5.00 each. They had Darth Vader, some Sith ladies, Stormtroopers, Imperial Guards and Han Solo. Boba Fett was there later as well.
Here are some more pictures with the 501st.
While I was at the convention I picked up Wonder Woman #1 for Allison and I found Astonishing X-Men #9 to add to my collection. I also met the guys from They are the ones who created the eclipse logo for the TV show Heroes. They are trying to get a license with NBC to produce Heroes shirts, their designs are really good too.
Today we spent the day with Allison’s parents, they made a huge batch of sauce and we had pasta and sauce for a late lunch. The packing for the move is progressing very well. We are home now and getting ready for the Monday work day ahead and The finale of Heroes.
You guys were in Manchester, and I didn’t know it. We didn’t attend the convention, but we walked past it…even saw the Storm Trooper.
We were in town to go to a Fisher Cats game. It was pouring rain when we got there, we knew they’d be either rained out or on a rain delay. So we decided to wait it out at JD’s Tavern in the Radisson, have some lunch and a few beers.
We did get to go to the game…we got there during the second inning. They had one more rain delay, and after that, the sun came out, and it was nice for the rest of the game.
Too bad I didn’t know you’d be at that convention…could have said hello…oh, well!
It looks like that Stormtrooper has seen some action, because his suit is kind of dirty
How awesome are storm troopers! I always thought they were the best part of Star Wars, especially with all the bits of movable armour, I don’t know why the army hasn’t actually started making that stuff! Although maybe in real life its not quite so useful as I am imagining
Sorry we missed you Christine, That is funny that you were there at the same place and time. What a small world.
Yep, they have seen lots of action, they volunteer for so many events in New England.
I’m not sure that a big armored suit is going to be very beneficial in a desert or other places, they seem to be useful only on star ships. Could you imagine having to get sand out of your armored suit on Tatooine