Photo-A-Day #811
Checked into my room at the Hotel for the next two nights. This weekend is BotCon 2007 and I am so excited. I have to run and get in line to get my convention package. Then it is on to seeing the movie 2 times tonight. Check out my hotel room key, it is Megatron!
I just came back from Registration. I got two more photos. I met a very nice couple in line, Rick and Emily. I hope to run into them again, pretty down to earth folks. No more photos for the rest of the night, Going to the movie and cannot bring a camera.
Photos taken with my XShot. Come back Monday to learn more about the XShot, hint, hint. Christine already figured it out.
Wow! Have a wonderful time. I look forward to reading your review of the movie. It’s gotten a lot of great advance buzz, but I want to hear from a fan who’s actually seen it!
What’s with Botcon starting on Thursday? I thought this was supposed ot be a Friday Saturday Sunday thing.
That sounds amazing have a great time! I cant wait to see the movie either!
I’ll be posting my thoughts and impressions on both this blog and a longer post on BenSpark 2: Electric Boogaloo.
Actually it began yesterday with a Whale Watch and some other activities for out of towners. Tomorrow it starts officially but tonight is the sneak preview of the movie. Sweet!
Thanks for stopping by Amanda, I will be posting my movie impressions later on tonight or tomorrow, please check back. I will try and make them spoiler free.
I am envious. Obviously, you are having fun.
You don’t even know. I loved it! It was so incredible. I can’t wait to see it a 3rd time!
Was it really that good? My husband and I can’t wait to see it!
Hi Diana,
It was really that good, check out my review on BenSpark 2: Electric Boogaloo. I loved it, both times!