Had some crazy weather today and bad timing. Seems that the sky kept from opening up the whole time I was in the car but just as soon as I got out with the groceries it opened up. Very funny. The sky was pretty cool though with it dark and ominous one direction and perfectly calm and clear in another direction.
I went on over to Stop and Shop to pick up some food for the week. Allison sent me a recipe for “Flip Flop Grilled Chicken” The two main ingredients of the sauce to put on it were butter and beer. That can’t be good. Well I stripped off the skin and ended up grilling and basting the chicken for a good long time. It stayed very tender too. I would make it again but I would make sure I was wearing an apron when I did so. That way I wouldn’t get the greasy sauce splatter. Luckily I was wearing and old shirt and some shorts that should probably be retired because they are 2 sizes TOO BIG. That is right, I have lost enough weight to actually walk out of these shorts.
I was thinking of fun Meme names and thought of Monday Munchies, so I took a photo of the dinner tonight.
Also tonight I set up the new printer and it works great, the scanner is awesome. I look forward to using that thing a lot to get many of our photos into digital form.
Now we are waiting for the computer to move the music on the system to the external hard drive so I can set up iTunes with Allison’s new iPod shuffle. The one that I won from ToastTheTrends- Electronics and Gadgets. Thanks IntricateGirl!
I also received my Moo stickers today. For the heck of it I ordered a set of Moo stickers with 90 of my photos. They came out really neat. I am thinking of a way in which to make this something worth making for other people. Maybe get 90 bloggers to submit 1 photo each and make Moo sticker books to share with each other. Maybe raise money for a charity or something. I will have to ponder more on this.
Contest update. I bet you were thinking that you would get another night of no updates, but no, I have some updated information for everyone in the competition. First the scores. Mo is leading the pack but right behind her are Lisa, Christine and Meeyauw. Remember everyone, let me know about points you should have like being a PAD host and whatnot. Also if you voted for me in the BCA’s send me a message letting me know. Also if you are on FuelMyBlog let me know too. Don’t forget to visit each other’s blogs because there you can find posts about the contest and if you comment on them you get more points. 5 points per comment, one comment per post. I am still working on some of the recent suggestions for things to offer everyone more points. I will update later in the week on this.
I love that you have milk in the soda club glass!
Sometimes you have to just drink some milk, especially with a healthy meal. And I use those glasses all the time for soda. I like the Fountain Mist that they have, it is like Mellow Yellow and MT. Dew. Go check out BS2: Electric Boogaloo for my dolphin eyes post, read the comments by meeyauw, I almost though that you had posted that or at least put her up to the second comment.
Your dinner looks good, and the flower is beautiful. I think my favorite of your picture-posts are the flowers!
I love the orchid!
Thanks Laurie,
I like the flower posts as well. There are so many flowers around and I post them often I wonder sometimes if I am overdoing it with the flowers.
Thank you Lady n Red,
Glad you liked the photo.
the first shot is absolutely fantastic and the second one is yummyyyy….
Not to worry, hon, the flowers will die soon and you’ll have to resort to pictures of the cats and the baby!
Thank you John, I appreciate the compliment.
Hopefully they will survive. They are potted so they should do okay for a little while.
Want to come over and make me dinner? That looks good!
Thanks, I do know my way around the grill.
I have a great time grilling too. I’m available for tailgating parties.
Beautiful flower!
That recipe sounds yummie…I might have to try it sometime!
It is very tasty. We had plenty of it. Tomorrow we have quesadillas on the menu with the chicken.