Hey there fellow Photo-Hunters. I took a trip in the way back machine to bring you this photo from Lovefest 2005 – The return of the Buddah. Lovefest is a party of epic proportions (if only in our heads) that a friend of mine came up with a few years ago. The thought came to him after seeing Valentines day stuff marked 50 – 75% off. He picked up the decorations on the cheap as well as corny prizes and Lovefest was born. We had a good 3 year run of it too.
You might not have noticed the banner at the top of the page. That is for my August contest. I am giving away a Flickr or Zooomr Pro account (winner’s choice). I encourage you to step up to the challenge as it will be a fun contest. And it can help to drive readers to your blogs as well.
As Always all comments will receive replies as well as return visits. I appreciate everyone who stops here each Saturday. You guys are awesome.
Oooo…. funky!!! I can imagine how fun Lovefest is! Spread the love! Happy weekend!
That’s such a great photo and you should’ve posted it! It shows a whole different side of you!
I’m already sad that Wingnut is going. It’s going to be a difficult transition. Thank you.
That is most definitely a funky shirt! “Lovefest” sounds like it’s a lot of fun!
Definitely a funky outfit!
Well… at least the hat and shirt match.
Great image for a strange theme.
Have a great weekend!
You’ve gotta love that funky shirt. I’m sure you had fun with Lovefest while it lasted.
You are inspiring me to possibly have after-parties for some other holidays. Anyway….it is good to have fun in life. I hope that you have a lot of other traditions that make you happy.
My husband & some of my friends will likely join me this year for our third annual “Pumpkin of Sorrows Toss” at Halloween. We print anything that caused us sadness during the year on a pumpkin & then throw it from a height. It makes an amazingly loud bang & is great fun (we have lookouts to make sure we bang no one in the head). Last year I had to discreetly pick up some pumpkin pieces rather hurriedly though…a person who had caused GREAT annoyance to a friend happened to suddenly come by (they might have caused so much more trouble after seeing their name in big letters on the pumpkin being tossed to the ground…there is no censorship on the Pumpkin).
That’s pretty funky! I love the hat.
Sweeeet shirt… nice.
Hi Eastcoast life,
Lovefest was one funky night of fun and funkiness. We had a great time.
Hi Meeyauw,
Glad you liked the photo, yeah, that is my funky side. I am very happy because the originator of lovefest is coming down the Cape today to spend time with Allison and I. Funkiness will be the order of the day.
Hi Linda,
Yeah Funky doesn’t even begin to describe Lovefest.
A funky outfit for a very funky night.
Hi Mike,
Thanks very much for the comment. Yeah the hat and shirt did match. I put them in goodwill this past year. I guess I should have saved them, but “Lovefest” was about the only time to wear and outfit like that.
Hi jmb,
I am saddened by the demise of lovefest because that was one very fun night, with dance contests and all sorts of other funky contests.
Hi Blues Butterfly,
That is a very interesting tradition. I’d love to see photos of the pumpkins as they flew through the year. You may have to blot out the names before you post the photos but that would be cool.
Some after holiday celebrations are great to do on the cheap.
Hi Daisy,
The hat was what made the outfit. It was so funky. Thanks.
Hi Michele,
Glad you liked the shirt. It was a rather funky one.
You wear it so well! Love the hat. 🙂
Thanks Jennifer, although I don’t think I should apply to modeling school anytime soon. 🙂
Great funky photo! Lovefest sounds like fun!
My funky photo.
Thanks for the smile. Great choice for a funky theme. Love the hat! hehe
Sounds like a good time. Love the funky fashion.
I didn’t realise that this weeks word was “worried”, still nice outfit Drew. Also like your dragonfly and duck picture, love the monement in that one.
Cheers Mark
You look like a suburban pimp!
Hi Dragonheart, Lovefest is a great time. the king of Lovefest is on his way here at the moment. But he is late, as always.
Glad that I could put a smile on your face. It is a very goofy photo.
Although it is not my regular outfit, I was feeling funky that night.
Funky for sure! Now that’s how I remember funky. . .
I didn’t do the photo hunt this week. . .i’ll be back next week tho
Are you worried? I can see why, I look like a deranged suburban pimp as JHS says. Glad you liked the other photos. You stuff is very cool and I always send people your way because your photos are great.
A suburban pimp. That is a riot.
Hey Paulie,
Missing a week is okay. Hope to see you back at it next week. Thanks for visiting.
Lovefest sounds like a fun-filled activity. It must be a wonderful and funky event enjoyed by many. Cool photo!
Lovefest was a very good time. I wish it still was an annual event though.