I am a friend and fan of the fun Chris Brogan. I follow him on Facebook and lately he’s been doing some fantastic stuff with photos. His photos are being posted after being run through Diptic, Instagram and also a new (new to me) app called Over. I saw a photo that I really liked and asked him what he used to add words. I totally missed the hashtag of #MadeWithOver or else I probably would have figured it out on my own. But Chris let me know the app and the link to it so I bought it for myself and played around with it.
I had fun with it and a little video I took of some neighborhood kids throwing TVs off a 3rd story of a three family across the street.

On Friday after coming home from my Daddy Daughter Date with Eva we were in the living room and heard a huge wham. We look across the street and see that there is a bunch of trash on the front yard of the three family across the way. When we moved in this was a pretty quiet place and we learned that the place had recently been done over and got a new owner. The people there kept to themselves for the most part. Since we moved in the place has turned over multiple times. We can’t even keep track of who lives there and who does not. But we saw three kids throwing things off of the third floor deck. I shot a video of the kids throwing a TV off the deck. I captured a screen shot of the TV on the way down and used Over to add my little caption.
We’re going to be looking at that big pile of trash for a while too since the garbage pickup will take one large bulk item each week and there is already a big leather couch out there from the previous week.